Released at 2020-12-29 14:17:58
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
1029 commits to cloudpods - v3.6.0 since this release.
Add (2)
- DisableDelete for lb (73e8080d42, Qu Xuan)
- vpc peering connection (bd22eb0b16, lvyangyang)
Apigateway (1)
- disable influxdb service query proxy (81da6c5775, Zexi Li)
Baremetal (1)
- fix pxe filter network by guest_dhcp (129001dfb4, Zexi Li)
Bug Fixes (516)
- validate secgroup purge condition (6f23593290, Qu Xuan)
- optimized cloudaccount climc (64740ff0fd, Qu Xuan)
- avoid openstack image-list failed (#7640) (2716d4527d, 屈轩)
- add keystone sync user debug info (#7633) (585ba0ff58, Jian Qiu)
- turn off some default project policies (#7636) (cb573d340a, Jian Qiu)
- aovid truncated data (#7643) (21342005e0, 屈轩)
- cleanup logic for nics of pending_deleted guests (#7668) (7336ff732c, Jian Qiu)
- 不限制openstack系统盘类型 (#7674) (a5c3a34b7c, 屈轩)
- rds task fix (0272c76950, Qu Xuan)
- server purge may fail (#7696) (3ccf78ae7d, Jian Qiu)
- http error limit request body length (#7699) (d0842c62cc, Jian Qiu)
- qcloud rds set renew flag (c56ebfd043, 屈轩)
- apigateway user info add is_local attribtue (#7694) (8ba3f86b55, Jian Qiu)
- vmware esxi host detects vnic portgroup info (#7649) (2ea855a425, Jian Qiu)
- avoid delete aws iam user failed (#7664) (8cf594785d, 屈轩)
- add details for account delete (#7702) (416afb686a, 屈轩)
- climc params (5eaece5516, Qu Xuan)
- avoid policy value not save (0cc0a19910, Qu Xuan)
- avoid nil panic (5b3bfd1b3b, Qu Xuan)
- compatiblity fixes with lenovo RD620 and huawei 2288 (f6eb9fc195, Qiu Jian)
- role-set-policies support update only operation (d66ee1fd4b, Qiu Jian)
- avoid lock reentry (cfebba2557, Qu Xuan)
- valid update name and update dns recordset (80c75b19ae, Qu Xuan)
- search by chs projectname or domainname (64f5bc748c, Qiu Jian)
- avoid check region log every time when account status is unknown (c2c9edd9c6, Qu Xuan)
- renew rds (98d20725aa, Qu Xuan)
- optimized cloudid (fd318a9cda, Qu Xuan)
- optimzed sync (ce032ecf17, Qu Xuan)
- find correct esxi host access ip (053507c3e3, Qiu Jian)
- remove redundant auth cookie in sso login (ef138c05d4, Qiu Jian)
- support VirtualDiskRawDiskMappingVer1BackingInfo (a672c6b334, Qiu Jian)
- scheduler aware policy (b8238d2059, Qiu Jian)
- support rds set auto renew (a7e832488e, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid optimized (7232695dfb, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud create bucket without appId (38018080cc, Qiu Jian)
- network address list respect privilige of user (09944bc1b4, Qiu Jian)
- skup syncing lb, rds, redis instances in tasks (9de29d9afd, Qiu Jian)
- user idps attributes includes template name (383bdef224, Qiu Jian)
- aliyun wulanchabu region (46e6d37c2d, Qu Xuan)
- support create 512mb server sku (c7a6ec8e9d, Qu Xuan)
- sync groups for user (491efe5794, Qu Xuan)
- public ip and duration for create params (d7ab5fdd14, Qu Xuan)
- check assign-host previliges (4d5aadb64b, Qiu Jian)
- avoid panic (7a60225617, Qu Xuan)
- prevent users in disabled idp from login (9e1ff88195, Qiu Jian)
- support resize qcloud hssd disk (b8410be115, Qu Xuan)
- ignore 409 error when doing redfish power on (65141a277c, Qiu Jian)
- keystone init empty catalogy cause panic (b84f237961, Qiu Jian)
- wire usage stats incorrect (d7e330f9eb, Qiu Jian)
- uniform cachedimage active status (f09bb6682c, Qu Xuan)
- change level of scopedpolicy to system (79ad3c188f, Qiu Jian)
- optimzed clouduser password (a004470225, Qu Xuan)
- recode project-role rpc handle to support group role assignment results by user or project (332ba04bd1, Qiu Jian)
- host memory usage status not correct (157fb1e488, Qiu Jian)
- avoid create public zone failed (d9626e3100, Qu Xuan)
- optimzed clouduser (7361da408a, Qu Xuan)
- mcclient panic when keystone init empty service catalog (2a1b5f8a75, Qiu Jian)
- optimized qcloud keypair (f4ecde37c3, Qu Xuan)
- 腾讯云不支持同时设置秘钥和密码,若设置秘钥,则将密码置空 (a2b9a79065, Qu Xuan)
- 平滑迁移数据 (8284f7b294, Qu Xuan)
- add dns recordset dns value check (fc8fb8af57, Qu Xuan)
- baremetal usage should exclude converted hypervisor (8fcc85745d, Qiu Jian)
- avoid sync natgateway eip panic (dab5b6e439, Qu Xuan)
- 默认不自动合并安全组 (8e39b7ccb4, Qu Xuan)
- set isp's status as 'instance_snapshot_reset' when reseting guest from isp (8ef1af0dbc, rainzm)
- add error cause (83f5ce4316, Qu Xuan)
- disable webkms for esxi older than 6.5 (239797e33c, Qiu Jian)
- check host sharing status when considering whether a host is assignable (04f036ce2e, Qiu Jian)
- cos use proxy (bb7ad07c20, Qu Xuan)
- search by name and order by scopedpolicy for scopedpolicybindings (73e117c6e4, Qiu Jian)
- add doc for qcloud (3c29402c10, Qu Xuan)
- server usage status not correct (ce06e078f0, Qiu Jian)
- 支持自动根据云上项目修改本地项目名称 (e86509a884, Qu Xuan)
- lock/unlock cleanup (41f932e381, Qiu Jian)
- bucket object cnt fix (cbd08138b4, Qu Xuan)
- 避免名称重复 (1b3d3310dc, Qu Xuan)
- enable generate name caused compability issue (1a3acbd056, Qiu Jian)
- omit empty fail reason (5a91ae8863, Qiu Jian)
- keystone initialize data skip nil extra fields (b80fa64b6a, Qiu Jian)
- disable qcloud verifyAppId temporarily (01fe002dd7, Qiu Jian)
- feature: vpc peering connection support (466d961355, Qu Xuan)
- add esxicli vmrc/webmks command (5a8ee9d91c, Qiu Jian)
- get jnlp xml from dell idrac6,7,9 (eea88ffbe6, Qiu Jian)
- reset user password without check (b5f01171dd, Qiu Jian)
- sync remove dirty rds accounts (008fd554c6, Qu Xuan)
- change owner should update quota usages (1bd4b85bf5, Qiu Jian)
- scheduler token not support policy (c516525dbb, Qiu Jian)
- avoid not reture cloudprovider.ErrNotFound error (37b87d1a50, Qu Xuan)
- 优化提取显示主账号名 (9240536857, ioito)
- support import rules for secgroups (cece2852aa, Qu Xuan)
- 避免添加 新账号后长时间未同步iam用户 (fadb52044c, ioito)
- dns 错误信息补全 (8f7a59894a, lvyangyang)
- apigateway userinfo includes project metadata (06c1de7c1d, Qiu Jian)
- 避免腾讯云同步虚拟机ip异常 (1466830595, ioito)
- role assignment filter by users not working for effective users in groups (6cbd811810, Qiu Jian)
- error 值重叠 (9b54d58a3d, lvyangyang)
- avoid account delete failed (8be3cfd223, ioito)
- use i18n.Table to handle Chinese-English conversion (c5a78a9028, rainzm)
- scope resource filter by owner (4a27d49123, Qiu Jian)
- 仅在可用区故障时可强制挂载磁盘 (0a4bd281de, ioito)
- avoid serial vm creation (f7010a6d7b, ioito)
- avoid compare err with cloudprovider.ErrNotFound direct (cb919f2880, ioito)
- sql err (1b91060323, ioito)
- add err handler for notifyRobot (36dec7baa0, rainzm)
- avoid account delete failed (8c0776c2ae, ioito)
- allow cross doamin resource sync (eaef5a7575, ioito)
- openstack zone not emulated (a31339f687, ioito)
- 支持关机不收费 (11c3f6a6ef, Qu Xuan)
- avoid purge storages (a8996ec9d1, Qu Xuan)
- add host-joint resources into domain level resources (7fbe72ce5d, Qiu Jian)
- add climc support vpc/schedtag user metadata (bd122a01fd, Qiu Jian)
- allow create disk prefer manager (74cb19cd88, Qu Xuan)
- add host.memoty.total and host.cpu.total usage stats (bc5c74b1bd, Qiu Jian)
- cloudid api addr (4592299ffa, Qu Xuan)
- dns zone cache owner info (a14b4e590e, Qu Xuan)
- 支持公有云域过滤操作日志 (ef3d74f4ea, Qu Xuan)
- filter cloudprovider/network by host-schedtag-id (23a18a81f4, Qiu Jian)
- suffix template cache key (5f10a9a39c, rainzm)
- 优化azure资 源同步 (0d85df52bf, Qu Xuan)
- optimized jsonRequest (06581ad1a5, Qu Xuan)
- filter storages by host schedtag (69561b40f5, Qiu Jian)
- avoid sync dns zone cache status is init (9d76c3e029, Qu Xuan)
- allow domain admin view shared dns zone records (d45d48806b, Qu Xuan)
- revert filter-by-owner changes of scoped resource (4e4ea5e6b5, Qiu Jian)
- allow disk attach to multiple guests (0718da3d70, Qiu Jian)
- oidc response user's info (be4a76b253, Qiu Jian)
- 自动生成华为云rds密码 (a08fb0044f, Qu Xuan)
- emulated wire not sync vpc shared info (c5cfceeb97, Qiu Jian)
- aliyun eip api (cdead1c476, Qu Xuan)
- 允许域管理员可以看到共享的dns zone cache列表 (24fcccf5f5, Qu Xuan)
- error code of external bucket not found error should be 404 (6a5fdc5d0d, Qiu Jian)
- avoid qcloud secgroup cache name not sync (35e57a8336, Qu Xuan)
- server name auto index should start from 1 (a08a779edf, Qiu Jian)
- filter cached images with host schedtag (1c0c66fd41, Qiu Jian)
- 支持多内存过滤套餐 (25aed0a7ee, Qu Xuan)
- missing column error when order by extra fields (03d17e6fba, Qiu Jian)
- server generate name should be historically unique 2. ipaddr of a batch of server is in the same order as generated name (4431acde83, Qiu Jian)
- qcloud set hostname for instance (aa7495c9a6, Qu Xuan)
- avoid slice out of bounds (e010c5c1f6, rainzm)
- save sso login status in cookie (ae327021db, Qiu Jian)
- not clean pending domain usage (624c4db06f, Qiu Jian)
- format errors that block make test (5e5b0613f8, Qiu Jian)
- ldap sync not update user's phone and email (13fa3c2999, Qiu Jian)
- project_id in resource details not correct (187dee690e, Qiu Jian)
- vpc peering http error params (db7d32cd17, lvyangyang)
- qcloud instance with max bandwidth (bb62c03923, Qu Xuan)
- auth permission result incorrect (4349cc7f98, Qiu Jian)
- add rds status and expired time (f47f2c51e4, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud eip with bandwidth attr (b32c54f7cf, Qu Xuan)
- elasticcache quota not take effect (9f122f7452, Qiu Jian)
- scopedpolicybindings filter by scope project (32fe10b001, Qiu Jian)
- trans google new region name (17ff08282b, Qu Xuan)
- add qcloud hssd (5b4efddec6, Qu Xuan)
- 支持带宽包用户 (f3c819299f, Qu Xuan)
- support public ip create (02ec88ccc6, Qu Xuan)
- sync huawei bucket project info (4b1d914b83, Qu Xuan)
- 优化安全组规则同步 (efa5978cf6, Qu Xuan)
- support fake tempalte when searching template vm (281d1c45df, Rain)
- use new api (db6846aab0, Qu Xuan)
- filter role assignments by project domains id or name (b2add97a0d, Qiu Jian)
- filter project role with system=true (e2e186a754, Qiu Jian)
- support filter rds sku by provider (0dc485d589, Qu Xuan)
- allwo filter resource by with-meta and with-user-meta filter (c4d30371ef, Qiu Jian)
- avoid not found cdbro- mysql instance (dc59a08721, Qu Xuan)
- 避免并发同步安全组导致规则混乱 (0e3f781003, Qu Xuan)
- resolve with_meta filter conflict (cc7423d558, Qiu Jian)
- sync dns records after sync vpcs (914b76069f, Qu Xuan)
- get images distinct field (f14ec60a76, Zexi Li)
- scopedpolicybinding filter by category sql error (10a4d86d25, Qiu Jian)
- hostname for instance (65582cab95, Qu Xuan)
- save service config changes may send invalid action log (354bcd9f07, Qiu Jian)
- huawei clirc region not correct (3d70213220, Qu Xuan)
- add rds cpu and memory usage (d7ae0eaa8d, Qu Xuan)
- use correct worker (dc8086b3c2, Qu Xuan)
- do not lock guest after lock eip, to prevent possible dead lock (0466b2c805, Qiu Jian)
- remote update metadata may cause metadata update loop (20f3feaabc, Qiu Jian)
- filter scopedpolicybindings with multiple categories (56e5b177d0, Qiu Jian)
- reduce change config logs (d681a148df, Qiu Jian)
- secgroup cache tenant_id (373166c506, Qu Xuan)
- add panic log for worker task (e97cd02b5b, Qu Xuan)
- missing authenticate action log for user web login (adbf513167, Qiu Jian)
- 新增google存储类型 (f7b16c592f, Qu Xuan)
- cancel pending-delete should increase resource quota usages (2486aa3071, Qiu Jian)
- monitor commonalert not detach alert resource (06a30edcf8, Zexi Li)
- add lb quota check (5e4cc33146, Qu Xuan)
- add rds quota check (f74e345b02, Qu Xuan)
- secgroup quota support (adcce7538d, Qu Xuan)
- enforce response charset (9073461f99, Qiu Jian)
- sync rds class vpc (d9e72f78e7, 屈轩)
- classic vpc for rds (0f4114449f, Qu Xuan)
- add aliyun new region (80b0ed3ccd, Qu Xuan)
- 避免冲掉设置的到期释放时间 (98bd229b33, Qu Xuan)
- compatible with qcloud zonal bucket (3f568a63d1, Qiu Jian)
- don't update NextSyncTime when snapshots that should be added has not (213d495a3d, rainzm)
- sync rds account host info (fb7d22f675, Qu Xuan)
- scopedpolicies and scopedpolicybindings swagger resource name (46fe31cbd8, Qiu Jian)
- make test go vet error (08bb11db66, Qiu Jian)
- add duration match (f159c73186, Qu Xuan)
- fail to delete public_ip eip (554ec88734, Qiu Jian)
- qcloud 5.5 single zone (cdd652c1ee, Qu Xuan)
- 支持批量创建rds (9a03bf17ce, Qu Xuan)
- 支持多安全组 (5cd26b297e, Qu Xuan)
- 避免参数异常 (9821f7fe9e, Qu Xuan)
- climc vpc-create missing cloudregion_id (588fff60fc, Qiu Jian)
- allow set customized private prefixes (dcc689cc17, Qiu Jian)
- creating esxi guest from instance snapshot (7818709539, rainzm)
- avoid delete public ip when sync eip list (d60dee6a97, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud server create (0e5835ffac, Qu Xuan)
- aws secgroup out rule is deny any (bc28c8bdfb, Qu Xuan)
- avoid sync project panic (6ee94ab41c, Qu Xuan)
- set secgroup status (b6016939cb, Qu Xuan)
- use option manager for scheduler (8f2c514699, Qiu Jian)
- adjust default identity quota (4d04059bcb, Qiu Jian)
- avoid sync part of rds (a01cd0a81b, Qu Xuan)
- apigateway: allow logout by get method (ff24d4a3e3, Qiu Jian)
- awscli: instance-rebuild-root fix (eee13a549b, TangBin)
- baremetal: clear jbod disks do PDMakeGood (f6bf3050fa, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: convert to host failed (eb857594f2, Zexi Li)
- climc: server-create --desc not work (df45ced78b, Zexi Li)
- climc: replace ' -> " (cb594298d4, Qu Xuan)
- cloudcommon: perform public should check the sharing scope of resource (de47e4a69b, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: disable quota check by default (6f7a3cf8a5, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: query filter ineffective for splitable (41b694ad3e, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: adjust policy refresh to default 30 seconds (b9d30c08a2, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: supplement i18n translations (83a5f95b0e, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: panic when query an empty splitable model manager (ba8754687a, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: add rbac_policy_refresh_internval_seconds option (6caec234a9, Qiu Jian)
- cloudevent: adjust cloudevents resource scope (540af1a3af, Qiu Jian)
- cloudevent,devtool: missing metadata table (5d298e71bb, Qiu Jian)
- cloudid: avoid new public account sync system policy delay 1 day (f05fc18941, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: huawei saml provider create issue (b460a73b0d, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: sync qcloud collaborators user (82dc179074, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: avoid use invalid character for role name (fd948b8cc5, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: auto update saml provider metadata (61d21d2b46, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: add <br> for notify templete (2faead462b, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: avoid empty auth url (869740775c, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: optimized system policy sync (8a5e682b06, Qu Xuan)
- cloudmon: deal cannot get azure metric (d2459a5cc0, --global)
- compute: filter cachedimage with health storage (625bf23569, rainzm)
- compute: return InputParameterError while ValidateCreateData (f11a1df3a5, rainzm)
- esxi: return when host.Vm is empty (08041d55d1, rainzm)
- esxi: search template from whole vCenter (d4c9e6e562, rainzm)
- esxi: return sumsize of disks fo template (d01b6e1502, rainzm)
- esxi: fetch templatevm from datacenter before clone vm (5c209fe3dc, rainzm)
- esxi: add device after cloning vm (7aa5b28b37, rainzm)
- esxi: filter vmdk item in lease.info (26b1050b31, rainzm)
- esxi: resize root disk after creating vm (9daef7d97c, rainzm)
- esxi: filter linkLocalAddress (e4217074c3, rainzm)
- esxi: no callback in uploadHandler (d616b40044, rainzm)
- esxi: check nil value when NewVirtualMachine (01ba4b9524, rainzm)
- esxi: use correct device index (6afa803050, rainzm)
- esxi: Guarantee the uniqueness of the schedtag for esxi host (370e7723ba, rainzm)
- esxi: resize root disk after cloning vm (bd014a6adf, rainzm)
- esxi: check whether some fields of vm are nil (3c59d7fece, rainzm)
- esxi: don't specify spec.Identity when osName is empty (be0e8d73b7, rainzm)
- esxi: use system disk of template only when cloning vm (bffa601dc4, rainzm)
- esxiagent: add humanized tips when searching vm failed (eb3da9369d, rainzm)
- esxiagent: add HostDelayTaskWorkerCount (a0c34a044e, rainzm)
- esxiagent: check whether regexp is nil (e43c86586b, rainzm)
- esxiagent: return image extid not id (5789c6dedd, rainzm)
- git,make: 更新获取 git branch 的规则 (e8376f9981, Zhang Dongliang)
- git,make: git branch 获取方式优化 (d7d4e6bf6e, Zhang Dongliang)
- git,make: 修正 gitbranch 变量的获取方式,允许外部传入,解决自动升级版本 tag 不统一的问题 (b0a95cbbe6, Zhang Dongliang)
- glance: allow public and private operations of guestimage (5824b7add0, rainzm)
- glance: list image by os arch use startwith (f3404f678c, wanyaoqi)
- go.mod: remove k8s.io/kubernetes dependency (734be7c147, Zexi Li)
- host: wait put host offline success (83c1073f68, wanyaoqi)
- host: make sure it won't match vpc guests by accident (428e3ab1f5, Yousong Zhou)
- host: telegraf listen on local ipv4 address explicitly (4606458719, Qiu Jian)
- host: add print migrate progress info (6c96e6d1f8, wanyaoqi)
- host: fix set windows password with escape charater (539baf7ba1, wanyaoqi)
- host: fix check hugepage enabled (fbd53b4934, wanyaoqi)
- host: update telegraf conf adapter to container environment (cbc2859248, wanyaoqi)
- host: check lease living on restart etcd session (1611ddfcdf, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: probe image info umount rootfs first (7ed96af338, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: cancel rename centos vgname (41631ec09d, wanyaoqi)
- hostdeployer: umount rootfs before resize partition (27378f2c85, rainzm)
- keystone: rolepolicies list panic if filter by domain scope (695075a853, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: ignore service config update without changes (e817076c6c, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: not allow to disable sql driver (695aa81f70, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: allow refresh scope resource (3e7d3c829a, Qu Xuan)
- keystone: add i18n description for policy and role (334b347eb9, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: oidc driver turn on debug mode if log-level is debug (e826239abf, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: allow unlink a domain from an IDP (253fba47f5, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: ignore deleted policies when matching policies (86476c22a9, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: update user attributes whenever user login (a4b4a1d16e, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: always upload&refresh service config whenever service restart (97eb6e7bc7, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: panic if request with an invalid token (5a71931982, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: service config ignore deploy server socket path (8287f3767e, wanyaoqi)
- keystone: oidc data may be encapuslated in data field (95db19f104, Qiu Jian)
- locales: fix translation text (65571cc5e4, Yousong Zhou)
- log: fail to submit action log (1a2a40a811, Qiu Jian)
- mcclient: options: webconsole: fix passing ssh port (8a4c1a0bbe, Yousong Zhou)
- monitor: modify notify alertInfo and alertOk detach resource (68dfa8a8c8, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: suggestalert ignore throw err (81e4463abc, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify monitor nodata alert matching onecloud host func (2564f3c060, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: other servier create alert add used_by param as a agreement (2ba98e7cee, --global)
- monitor: delete suggestConfig auto init data (815e16eca0, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify monitor serviceType in StartService() (db565fe0cd, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix nodata alertresource list (cdcfc79232, --global)
- monitor: add resType filter (ccf0653581, --global)
- monitor: modify influxdbSuggestDriver query err (96d0f0e63c, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify suggestrule process influxdb data (ed13fe9e14, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor notify international and 3.6 bugfix (ab14706ff5, --global)
- monitor: sore reture info:resourceType,measurement (ba22334382, --global)
- notify: avoid deadlock (b1abb353a9, rainzm)
- notify: use AfterSend for contact with succuessful sending (9978f19542, rainzm)
- notify: break down permissions of notifyconfigs (a9fafc4517, rainzm)
- notify: modify name of notification to avoid duplication (0879278714, rainzm)
- notify: Allow user list receivers (2ea4138f3a, rainzm)
- notify: be compatible with keystone's UsersV3.GetById (7ed99506a5, rainzm)
- notify: repull subcontact after changing config (c5acc1b482, rainzm)
- notify: check for changes before updating config (6591ccedc5, rainzm)
- notify: clean verifyNote when mark verified (e47f8a8960, rainzm)
- notify: Mark verified not enabled in MarkContactTypeVerified (9029e98c2f, rainzm)
- notify: return correct value when sortContactType (c522b45242, rainzm)
- notify: allow normal user create their receiver (5bfc3128c3, rainzm)
- notify: Set default priority 'normal' when creating notification (9af0fe1fe9, rainzm)
- notify: fit correctly when send notification via contact (cdf7825379, rainzm)
- notify: pull contact for workwx, dingtalk and feishu (1517ed79f2, rainzm)
- notify: return the result of the second attempt to execute the rpc call (b1ef8865b8, rainzm)
- notify: Replace String() with GetString() (6509ed6e99, rainzm)
- notify: customize the title of the verification email based on the copyright (d3aae00092, rainzm)
- notify: add AllOkContactTypes in where permanently enabled and verified ContactType (fbc951330c, rainzm)
- region: wire get vpc releated hosts is empty (bcfb050193, Zexi Li)
- region: fetch correct ownerId in PerformPrepareNets (60490c75de, rainzm)
- region: purge all instance snapshots when purging guest (1561d65395, rainzm)
- region: roll back the optimization of cachedimage list (eef90b58e7, rainzm)
- region: save when canceling pendingUsage (6d2e914391, rainzm)
- region: make project of instance snapshot be consistent with the instance (727b89db5d, rainzm)
- region: add size and storageType for VMware InstanceSnapshot (6ea550d012, rainzm)
- region: ignore params.Disks when cloning vm from snapshot (4d13956bc6, rainzm)
- region: chooseHostStorage (cfc58a3566, rainzm)
- region: allow reset huawei system disk (3ed59afae4, TangBin)
- region: allow delete storagecachedimage with 'cache_failed' status (ed2a867748, rainzm)
- region: climc add base projects options (4d4c84801f, TangBin)
- region: remove i18n fix & zone ®ion name support i18n (e289553015, TangBin)
- region: network clean schedule cache after real deleted (3c85ed11b9, Zexi Li)
- region: prevent infinite recursion (d2ed191752, rainzm)
- region: allow member user get saml auth addr (dea1f29aa1, Qu Xuan)
- region: avolid aliyun fin bucket list objects error (061c5d6dd9, Qu Xuan)
- region: init NextSyncTimeiwhen create snapshotpolicydisks (a2d221685e, rainzm)
- region: add suffix 'display' for time_points and repeat_weekdays (92d862b17d, rainzm)
- region: qcloud request retry (e52fb3260f, Qu Xuan)
- region: huawei sync storages bugfix (d5973135d2, TangBin)
- region: auto sync cloudaccount resources (e056bb1028, Qu Xuan)
- region: fix set bucket referer (6f3cabda6e, lvyangyang)
- region: get provider name via GetProviderName (1c475b0912, rainzm)
- region: set qcloud instance del timeout to 20m (2d7cdad8f2, Qu Xuan)
- region: get provider name via GetProviderName (843534c298, rainzm)
- region: compute binded disk count when deleting snapshotpolicy (2f6678f9a7, rainzm)
- region: aws sync vpc access mode bugfix (834f5a97de, TangBin)
- region: valid qcloud hssd for system disk (8281411680, Qu Xuan)
- region: bucket get referer fix (0174e686df, lvyangyang)
- region: apsara is private cloud (21d9edcfa6, Qu Xuan)
- region: pass up error from InitializeData (d2e304bae0, Yousong Zhou)
- region: sort excludedNets correctly (c1d95bc313, rainzm)
- region: reserved name checking while create redis account (a924c9552b, TangBin)
- region: optimized rds backup create (2a6421258a, Qu Xuan)
- region: secgrouprule: set model manager (73f434e034, Yousong Zhou)
- region: cloudregion&zone add namei18n (2a4a762f24, TangBin)
- region: code gen api error (b6ace002d7, Qu Xuan)
- region: delete guest without 'purge' in GuestDetachScalingGroupTask (0edec40b22, rainzm)
- region: allow update rds account and database desc (e483d1901e, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow delete resource which status is unknown (f35be97569, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate cloudaccount saml auth params (a9ef8a1e37, Qu Xuan)
- region: 避免OneCloud密码校验通过,公有云厂商密码校验不通过 (782372c35e, Qu Xuan)
- region: change_ipaddr: retain eip_id on detach and attach (f33b9c7164, Yousong Zhou)
- region: avoid qcloud sync local disk error (0c7adedaad, Qu Xuan)
- region: start vm when 'auto_start' is true (a14b556f27, rainzm)
- region: azure win os defualt user (a823273884, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized azure rebuild root (0252c00efc, Qu Xuan)
- region: elb cached acl sync (69fa370b04, TangBin)
- region: huawei vnc protocal fix (8db56d90f3, TangBin)
- region: inspect invalid guest template (5602db8f5e, rainzm)
- region: support rds secgroup operation (c5a974e744, Qu Xuan)
- region: remove default value of diskConfig.Medium (216e11f291, rainzm)
- region: fix modify tags log (de67ee5a26, lvyangyang)
- region: azure metric request path (a79a61c417, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized qcloud secgroup sync, only redis need secgroup be in same project (a84ed01f2f, Qu Xuan)
- region: server skus add cloud_env (d39b3e820a, TangBin)
- region: dbinstance skus sync log level fix (7be898fbca, TangBin)
- region: change dbinstance sku sync info log to warn (133ba01e94, TangBin)
- region: validate invalid character for password (35544a7c2f, Qu Xuan)
- region: region qcloud secgroup project id (45a3ce82da, Qu Xuan)
- region: aws lb create tags param (4cb9c936cd, lvyangyang)
- region: avoid resize azure disk error (0bfa488acd, Qu Xuan)
- region: omit vpc quota check if vpc created by owner (e38ea05c21, Qiu Jian)
- region: elastic cache name is empty fix (8bdcc83a8f, TangBin)
- region: redis master zone empty fix (76eb124896, TangBin)
- region: lb listener filter by acl_id (08dda723b4, TangBin)
- region: lbcert&lbacl releated listener count bugfix (7b96d2593d, TangBin)
- region: avoid timeout for waiting azure async task (f22fe4fe36, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure reset windows os password (81b31b2fe1, Qu Xuan)
- region: fix backup server start task (735f10a508, wanyaoqi)
- region: avoid public ip bandwidth is zero (5dea11952f, Qu Xuan)
- region: sync automatically snapshot for external disk (f13c12d0c2, rainzm)
- region: temp url sign wrong (c6a7a87014, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure instance data disk storage type (3633baaa2b, Qu Xuan)
- region: attach network on register baremetal server (dcd8936927, wanyaoqi)
- region: openstack available zones (7abd40c545, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate isolated devices on migrate (78e8d2f35e, wanyaoqi)
- region: restore password validate condition (acedb4a4f4, Qu Xuan)
- region: sync account id (e540e6561a, Qu Xuan)
- region: apsara optimized (38a0b76a58, Qu Xuan)
- region: support openstack subnet allocation pools (edcff8045f, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized qcloud prepaid instance delete (b5b7e89c6a, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized openstack change config (0d32c5d8e2, Qu Xuan)
- region: sanitize eip charge type on all callsites (14d6c9d6ed, Yousong Zhou)
- region: aliyun zone name fix (85324cadf3, TangBin)
- region: aliyun region name (bb091a3cb8, TangBin)
- region: set ownerId as userCred when can't FetchOwnerId (dbb1d80729, rainzm)
- region: aws default account (97eab67f0a, Qu Xuan)
- region: openstack hosts sync (8692498cbd, Qu Xuan)
- region: import rule error hint (a8116b5252, Qu Xuan)
- region: purge private cloud sku (a2b15c596c, Qu Xuan)
- region: gpu server change config use reserved resources (b07387b57a, wanyaoqi)
- region: sku.meta use global proxy (14bdbea3e2, Qu Xuan)
- region: sku enabled (92fee001e8, Qu Xuan)
- region: update translations (25eb67b373, TangBin)
- region: aliyun sync region fix (8682c71d94, TangBin)
- region: prevent dirty data when syncing snapshot (c6864e4ae6, rainzm)
- region: server login info& keypair import input parameter trimspace (f20ca8b9c9, TangBin)
- region: optimized server stop code (0a8348a364, Qu Xuan)
- region: split brand as 'YunionCloud' and '云联壹云' when notify server event (43d45a1b4d, rainzm)
- region: network reserved ip count not consider expiration of reserved ips (d8684ea5a0, Qiu Jian)
- region: optimized disk allocate sched failed log (27a2d36ff5, Qu Xuan)
- region: add GetSlaveFieldName for ScalingGroupGuest (36f43fba93, rainzm)
- region: set classic vpc name to "-" (db00c83555, Qu Xuan)
- region: private cloud sku create (1aec7ab259, Qu Xuan)
- region: avolid panic when list role's policies (059cd75273, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid openstack change config error (b60d18c060, Qu Xuan)
- region: add saml auth for capability (90709ab704, Qu Xuan)
- region: lbacl &lbcert default share scope (5a10db10cd, TangBin)
- region: detach all snapshotpolicy when realdeleting disk (e660946d25, rainzm)
- region: clear dirty data of snapshotpolicydisks when start up (7582ead4c1, rainzm)
- region: apsara account fix (ab58f0335f, Qu Xuan)
- region: baremetal post update related server (d001e0ec8f, Zexi Li)
- region: apsara metrics fix (a67b096686, Qu Xuan)
- region: vpc list usable fix (b30a40d707, TangBin)
- region: aws detach igw before delete vpc (da82328076, TangBin)
- region: compute NextSyncTime for snapshotpolicydisk (97f93e6a12, Rain Zheng)
- region: vpc create validate cidr mask length (b46d51d1e3, TangBin)
- region: aws create root device name fix (68a2111bfd, TangBin)
- region: aws create storage type fix (9218c9e0b6, TangBin)
- region: sku list query print missing error info (72153ecf58, TangBin)
- region: aws vpc delete related route table & internet gateway (9f52afdf94, TangBin)
- region: aws vpc delete skip delete default secgroup (5ff27734bc, TangBin)
- region: aws delete vpc skipped delete main route table (ac89394947, TangBin)
- region: aws create vpc with igw add defaultroute (efb4368716, TangBin)
- region: vpc usable fix (596b376d85, TangBin)
- region: vpc sync external access mode fix (cef3d52f08, TangBin)
- region: azure host with storage (8207a9c997, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow resize system disk of esxi (46e42724b7, rainzm)
- region: qcloud bucket set cors (f1b428be07, lvyangyang)
- region: exclude network recommended for host when suggesting network for guest (930c643153, rainzm)
- region: skus add cloudenv (f17593d3f4, TangBin)
- region: guestnetworks: use net calculated mtu (6e449c123b, Yousong Zhou)
- region: get qcloud bucket cdn-domain (b5d50fdfcf, lvyangyang)
- region: eip_allocate_task: set eip status allocate_fail on task failure (bb0568d18a, Yousong Zhou)
- region: add instance capability info(default account) (cfd7c5bd90, Qu Xuan)
- region: fix change config forecast (52f0afda00, wanyaoqi)
- region: create vm with eip task fix (2e401b5664, TangBin)
- region: ctyun delete server bugfix (bc3fdb890f, TangBin)
- region: add SDnsZoneCache to DnsZoneCacheDetails (6efb3fc12a, rainzm)
- region: add RequestSyncstatusOnHost for SESXiGuestDriver (3fb175ba7d, rainzm)
- region: vpc create data cird validate (ad39e790d9, TangBin)
- region: network create mask length validate (755f4a93a3, TangBin)
- region: remove unnecessary vpc validate create date error wrap (e4f372ba55, TangBin)
- region: guest to create input keep billing info (f8c4c008f8, wanyaoqi)
- region: do not change disk status on migrating (e26fb5cc1d, wanyaoqi)
- region: elasticcache_instances: fix error fmt (ab7ba83225, Yousong Zhou)
- region: sync servers (d2d96b1229, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure async task (09adc5f60f, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure secgroup rule not allow with same priority and direction (2b0e8afe0f, Qu Xuan)
- region: ignore classic vpc checkout while add lb backend (4e811240e4, TangBin)
- region: create/update aliyun account bugfix (6391ef84d8, TangBin)
- region: redis create account add name validate (0bbba6d3f8, TangBin)
- region: delete aliyun account bugfix (e5289f8a4c, TangBin)
- region: purge account bugfix (96d2e24034, TangBin)
- region: lbbackend: better error reporting for finding influxdb info (48f1cf12ae, Yousong Zhou)
- region: compatible aliyun fin oss (0feddb13af, Qu Xuan)
- region: checking cloudenv while create/update aliyun cloud account (767e06a1d0, TangBin)
- region: cert&acl cache delete condition check (c4eda6b5af, TangBin)
- region: aliyun elb listener&lbbg sync project (1a4faf4101, TangBin)
- region: elb acl validate create data fix (0c3a1986f6, TangBin)
- region: fix openstack instance os type (9c0ce58a06, Qu Xuan)
- region: openstack network is regional (ea41bb4f18, Qu Xuan)
- region: create redis validate network and sku zone match (c18d1f0e77, TangBin)
- region: 避免从云上同步下来的主机,创建相同配置时network_id为空 (f150da6d98, Qu Xuan)
- region: add huawei gpssd desc (a9c6579b6a, Qu Xuan)
- region,baremetal: pxe net reuse converted server access ip (829faa1ab6, Zexi Li)
- region,baremetal: choose candidate network not according by types (9f2b137f08, Zexi Li)
- region,climc: eips: rename arg name for requested eip addr (baff004838, Yousong Zhou)
- region,esxiagent: allow host behind a nat (197049dcb7, Qiu Jian)
- region,glance: list by os arch adapt to empty strings (027a9439cd, wanyaoqi)
- region,host: fix hot remove nic (7c1923abf0, wanyaoqi)
- region,scheduler: fix netwrok predicate (c8ca855cbc, wanyaoqi)
- region,yunionapi,glance: using global proxy (c1ecb63309, Qu Xuan)
- scheduler: sku filter check zone if only prefer region specified (019c034133, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: select resource unordered (5b170650f8, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: more standardized testing (81feadc13a, rainzm)
- scheduler: fix array out of bounds when sorting hosts (de1b5bc96e, rainzm)
- scheduler: clean expire cache before schedule (a16899c9bf, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: get candidates error more info (01124b3128, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: sku by region and fill onecloud vpc networks (24fdb6e84e, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: fetch input network when specified (5cfd7f0401, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: filter InstanceGroup whose enabled is false (ca58fb8d21, Rain)
- scheduler: storage predicate add actualCapacity filter (e7dd6bba0c, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: check candidate tag resource is nil (66eee7f72f, Zexi Li)
- taskman: SSubTask: set model manager (a51a0845b4, Yousong Zhou)
- taskman: use admin token if task userCred token expired (b3c90a8049, Qiu Jian)
- treewide: fix task error recording (d868347773, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcagent: models: guestnetworks: accomodate change_ipaddr (d1f1eda985, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcagent: ovn: stable dns A record value (b3e196950e, Yousong Zhou)
- webconsole: trim api_server url if end with slashes (1236a03269, Zexi Li)
Bugfix (5)
- commonalert (444ff1901d, zhaoxiangchun)
- qcloud pull metric (26965521f2, zhaoxiangchun)
- collect esxi metric timout (ec3b5c09bd, zhaoxiangchun)
- region: server change config rebase to sched task (5314ce98b0, wanyaoqi)
- region: fix list by srever type normal (3756993c98, wanyaoqi)
Chore (2)
- monitor: delete suggestion files (83e899d9a9, zhaoxiangchun)
- util: update centos build version to 1.1-3 (d980604920, wanyaoqi)
Climc (12)
- helper: add BatchCreate helper (91fab12172, Yousong Zhou)
- helper: create call as a standalone method (f6f4fc125a, Yousong Zhou)
- s/Keyworkd/Keyword/ (9228b17928, Yousong Zhou)
- network-list with multiple --bgp-type args (6464597c97, Yousong Zhou)
- k8s machine show resource_id (0f25214872, Zexi Li)
- servers: create with eip bgp type (4d895d6587, Yousong Zhou)
- add k8s federated resource update subcommand (ddf483bc0e, Zexi Li)
- eip ops by bgp type (bc898e9e3b, Yousong Zhou)
- add k8s fed resource sync action (037fa814ff, Zexi Li)
- refactor k8s sub command (e2604d5311, Zexi Li)
- add k8s federated resource cmd (742e455717, Zexi Li)
- k8s cluster grafana componet support subpath (930a726670, Zexi Li)
Cloudcommon (5)
- db: GET: i18n for result of get property calls (c1468105f8, Yousong Zhou)
- db: add man.GetI18N (d639b0a84c, Yousong Zhou)
- db: modelbase: distinct-field: readability change (d6243fbc6a, Yousong Zhou)
- get joint model should aware fieldname (1af48dc73d, Zexi Li)
- joint model list should add field_name into query (a47553a7a2, Zexi Li)
Cloudprovider (2)
- add ErrAddressCountExceed (444e666472, Yousong Zhou)
- ICloudNic: add methods for secondary addresses (9840d7cf77, Yousong Zhou)
Code Refactoring (24)
- find the most suitable storage (2679294529, rainzm)
- apis: compute: remove EIP_CHARGE_TYPE_DEFAULT (a28fa3cf40, Yousong Zhou)
- climc: webconsole: use helper methods of response struct (ce00a17614, Yousong Zhou)
- esxi: fetchVms and fetchHardwareInfo (4d74a97786, rainzm)
- esxi: replace GetTemplateVMById with FetchTemplateVMById (dcb6db0443, rainzm)
- host: startvm: for compat (c2d173ae1c, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: nic_speed: use raw string (38492014b5, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: add QEMU_CMD_KVM_ARG (4cf3565b29, Yousong Zhou)
- host: metadata: eliminate ref of guestNic (0f1fc0fa58, Yousong Zhou)
- hostman: metadata: eliminate import of guestman (6a2136f6c2, Yousong Zhou)
- hostman: use metadata.DescGetterFunc (de7eb162fc, Yousong Zhou)
- notify: add StartSubcontactPullTask for receiver (8d6defe227, rainzm)
- notify: hide SSunContact webconsole (8a80f96d62, rainzm)
- region: faster GetIImageById (936ea00406, rainzm)
- region: remove return value of NotifyWebhook (0d36b3b749, rainzm)
- region: faster list for cachedimage (de4f1579dd, rainzm)
- region: faster list for cachedimage (bd4851c9f9, rainzm)
- region: faster sync CapacityUsed for Storage (42309b8a7b, rainzm)
- region: replace 'ActualCapacity' with 'ActualCapacityUsed' (56d24dfa99, rainzm)
- region: optimize preparenet of cloudaccount (ed484f4e21, rainzm)
- scheduler: remove unused k8s predicates code (2a2867daac, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: make forcast result clearer (9d18b94ad6, rainzm)
- webconsole: use structured response (5959a204f7, Yousong Zhou)
- webconsole: api: add helper methods for response struct (8e9b4aed2f, Yousong Zhou)
Db (8)
- interface: manager: add HasName() method (ed1999efaf, Yousong Zhou)
- standalone_anon: empty result for name query (c8ad511744, Yousong Zhou)
- add standalone_anon (c45550ef63, Yousong Zhou)
- add manager methods appliers (d8ab874ef2, Yousong Zhou)
- virtualjoint: add FilterById on RowId (79120f3de3, Yousong Zhou)
- modelbase: BatchCreateValidateCreateData: return orig data (0e0a394907, Yousong Zhou)
- check funcs required by dispatcher (3b32ce56cc, Yousong Zhou)
- IModel: add GetI18N() method (9fd0f3088f, Yousong Zhou)
Db_dispatcher (3)
- allow batch create for models without name (c389aaaeb7, Yousong Zhou)
- delay compute to where needed (f62dddda51, Yousong Zhou)
- remove unused GetExtraDetails call (0c8ab90f7e, Yousong Zhou)
Disk (1)
- check disk is need renew on guest set renew (3ac63f537e, wanyaoqi)
Dns (1)
- isMyDomain: match only strict subdomain of dns_domain (a67026dec0, Yousong Zhou)
Eip (3)
- create by BgpType (59dd8a0e29, Yousong Zhou)
- NewEipForVMOnHost: add opslog (b44ac491c1, Yousong Zhou)
- construct a pointer type (83f5a38c2a, Yousong Zhou)
Elasticips (6)
- NewEipForVMOnHost: make args a struct (f514950480, Yousong Zhou)
- charge_type: make it varchar column (4537cc3dba, Yousong Zhou)
- bgp_type: make the db column nullable (e61a85b7c1, Yousong Zhou)
- error when we have no usable eip network (63c4818b8a, Yousong Zhou)
- fix calling FilterByOwner (382f628287, Yousong Zhou)
- filter by owner when doing auto allocation (5afbe831d9, Yousong Zhou)
Feature (19)
- support cloudprovider, cloudregion and zone schedtag (cc32bb39ef, Zexi Li)
- emualated ssd support (#7701) (0cbad8aea3, Jian Qiu)
- support scoped policy that manage ui policies for domains&projects (01d4c2a1c7, Qiu Jian)
- add apsara support (b195f95bdf, Qu Xuan)
- saml for cloudid (d4edbbb610, Qu Xuan)
- allow join project across domain (f10267b0fe, Qiu Jian)
- allow specify offset in name pattern (0beee87db3, Qiu Jian)
- auto create domain for sso idp (178e1ab8fc, Qiu Jian)
- add dns interface (f251559c39, Qu Xuan)
- allow session level yunion_auth cookie (2a6445c31b, Qiu Jian)
- add qcloud rds support (f776054187, Qu Xuan)
- policy group support (2d39cb4cb0, Qiu Jian)
- remote update qcloud instance metadata and name (e967dd7d6a, Qiu Jian)
- qcloud create VM with tags (38abe9b45d, Qiu Jian)
- filter storages by image (6abd9b0e92, Qiu Jian)
- qcloud create VM with tags (ddefc2ab34, Qiu Jian)
- climc: policy save data into file (94dd5c5777, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: split opslog table (ec14f9a6bb, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: user add language attribute (768c88d28d, Qiu Jian)
Features (132)
- support snapshot of esxi (7bdcf95524, rainzm)
- add ICloudInstanceSnapshot & modify ICloudVM (e11011ddb7, rainzm)
- Add IResultHelper (4b4875cd70, rainzm)
- update locales (1e297dca12, rainzm)
- add valid filter for cachedimage list (18fdfad79e, rainzm)
- download the role to tmpdir not system role dir (deb3758bfa, rainzm)
- add keep_tmpdir options (1eaf2eaff0, rainzm)
- add GetSchedtags for ICloudHost (c9039f9478, rainzm)
- creat, delete, revert and sync operator for esxi instance snapshots (2ed4534f48, rainzm)
- add NotifyWebhook in notifyclient (264b9ef39f, rainzm)
- add NotifyError in notifyclient (54c7069d9e, rainzm)
- notify user when failing to change config (acf1f12790, rainzm)
- inherit lang from ctx fro Task (e45ddaeb99, rainzm)
- log err when sending notification via notifyclient (8eb420e42c, rainzm)
- use details data to cover obj data in FetchCustomizeColumns (f6844e3c6d, rainzm)
- support lock storage from selected cachedimage (10f0f07bdb, rainzm)
- Add method 'Sku' to CandidatePropertyGetter (0bd84dd4b0, rainzm)
- support creating vm from instance snapshot (6f6ea9e38f, rainzm)
- add WithCtx version to notifyclient function (4b49bcec8f, rainzm)
- add GetCapacityUsedMB for ICloudStorage (fd14e7b6c8, rainzm)
- add 'ip-list' for esxicli (4b860cb43e, rainzm)
- filter esxi ip by CIDR (e0aa673575, rainzm)
- add a retry mechanism to AutoSyncExtDiskSnapshot (5e82a7e506, rainzm)
- respect params.Disks when cloning vm (a174c32eae, rainzm)
- add vlanId for suggested network (a4527aec5d, rainzm)
- rds recovery new instance from backup supported (fd4b544fbc, Qu Xuan)
- change templateid as <providerId>/<uuid> in esxi (335c8eecc0, rainzm)
- add 'vlan_id' param when creating network (7ab4decab3, rainzm)
- add SubImages in Image (564c6cf45f, rainzm)
- apis: add const VPC_OVN_ENCAP_COST (aaec97470b, Yousong Zhou)
- appsrv: Application: add Stop method for shutdown behaviour (7d0828410a, Yousong Zhou)
- build: add .dockerignore (2b5014b847, rainzm)
- build: add DOCKER_BUILDKIT in docker_push.sh (5ab362d05f, rainzm)
- climc: add cloud-account-preparenets-vmware command (67788b1790, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: add NotifyWithContact (474bd1440f, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: determine the notification template based on the user’s language preference (7d75620d6d, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: allways send webconsole notification via contacts (cff5b8b656, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: db: jointbase: add list:"user" for RowId (53125e6ed1, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudid: support aliyun saml auth (592ae29d7e, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: notify clouduser created (618d07f456, Qu Xuan)
- esxi: add GetSchedtags implementation for esxi.SHost (1cb286080a, rainzm)
- esxi: do not specify portkey in NewVNIC (8553f90248, rainzm)
- esxi: copy disk from image when creating vm (937bf4513b, rainzm)
- esxi: expand disk config from subimages when creating vm (5251304a47, rainzm)
- esxi: support fake template vm via regex filter (48940c77ae, rainzm)
- esxi: support fetchVM form datacenter (0aa9dc6fb7, rainzm)
- esxi: use more specific storage types (bb6af1e222, rainzm)
- esxi: correctly judge whether inet is nil (3793387b66, rainzm)
- esxiagent: try to customize vm if deployfs failed (93df31a97f, rainzm)
- esxiagent: keep data disks when cloning vm (d618f61c16, rainzm)
- esxiagent: try to resize partition after resizing disk (a1bc77a40e, rainzm)
- esxicli: better vm operator (14c5e18c22, rainzm)
- host: metadata: make vpc aware metadata handler (8f1f1f55c6, Yousong Zhou)
- host: add option OvnEncapIpDetectionMethod can-reach:xx (8db93257d6, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: set vpc nic mtu (206ae7f9e8, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: add nic_mtu shell func (005fad402c, Yousong Zhou)
- host-deployer: add deploy driver libguestfs (cfa1a4ee4f, wanyaoqi)
- hostdeployer: support resizefs for esxi disk (22cec0964e, rainzm)
- keystone: filter domain/user by idp_entity_id (b27b086cce, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: add global alertrecord (e2ca41a5f5, --global)
- monitor: add metric description (09660da0a9, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: support create nodata alert from web (c2b8f6a832, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add nodata alert policy (7661189370, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add alert slience time and modify scoperesource FetchUniqValues func (1a1df0f075, --global)
- netutils2: add MyIPTo (e53bdd5f94, Yousong Zhou)
- notify: Add VerifiedNote for SSubContact (3e982ab79a, rainzm)
- notify: permit admin sending notification via contact (cb663f460f, rainzm)
- notify: Allow use topic to filter notification (0a9a73587e, rainzm)
- notify: Support trigger-verify for feishu, dingtalk and workwx (e179191dd3, rainzm)
- notify: enable watching user in keystone (a4dc42e69a, rainzm)
- notify: sort the returned contact type array (77bbb2cfd0, rainzm)
- notify: Add TNotifyChannel const of robot (f57a199cbd, rainzm)
- notify: break down error from UseridByMobile (bf12f5b57c, rainzm)
- notify: replace VerifiedContactTypes with VerifiedInfos in ReceiverDetails (89ec96567b, rainzm)
- notify: user cmdline helpler for climc notify-receiver-xxx (e17768fbc2, rainzm)
- notify: add intellij-get for receiver (75b0889c30, rainzm)
- notify: add webconsole in enabled contact types (bce332272c, rainzm)
- notify: support webhook contact type (012d9b1588, rainzm)
- notify: allow empty receivers for robot or webhook contact type (2e094a310a, rainzm)
- notify: add IntelliNotify (c12b276ea1, rainzm)
- region: options: allow setting default vpc external access mode (05c95295b3, Yousong Zhou)
- region: add test for CloudaccountManger.PerformPrepareNets (ae94914a7e, rainzm)
- region: call NotifyWebhook in when sonme tasks complete (ce0c88d790, rainzm)
- region: use NotifyWebhook when operating dnszone (5a07858e1a, rainzm)
- region: support aliyun finance cloud (2a1f9ecbcc, TangBin)
- region: add list filter server type (6c4ba17371, wanyaoqi)
- region: huawei recovery new rds (551aa2f91f, Qu Xuan)
- region: filter network via storage (f03d5af31f, rainzm)
- region: 多云 bucket website.cors,referer 配置 (c9185a43c7, lvyangyang)
- region: inter vpc network (eb91e8fcd1, spike.lv)
- region: add wire level for preparing network (5a186dbb3c, rainzm)
- region: call NotifyWebhook in the life cycle of guests (541128d37b, rainzm)
- region: allow prepare nets for existed cloudaccounts (aad9aba489, rainzm)
- region: add option NoCheckOsTypeForCachedImage (dfc246ca5b, rainzm)
- region: networkaddresses: filter by guest ids (b46d50ae3a, Yousong Zhou)
- region: add bucket cloud tags support (66412faf96, lvyangyang)
- region: add RequestResizeDiskOnHost to SESXiHostDriver (8c17cdd5e2, rainzm)
- region: regiondriver: add methods on eip charge type (8d7d240b30, Yousong Zhou)
- region: search server by substr of ip or mac (ca21bcf564, Yousong Zhou)
- region: set qcloud bucket policy (9872a05be9, lvyangyang)
- region: add SCloudregionResourceBase for SInstanceSnapshot (35fc62bbad, rainzm)
- region: support sync skus by cloudregion (86838db6d3, TangBin)
- region: support sync skus by cloudregion (d86f9a2009, TangBin)
- region: larger suggest network and more complete vlanid (cc26752697, rainzm)
- region: make address recommendations more precise (fc6a30b209, rainzm)
- region: add CloudCaches in DnsZoneDetails with GET (fd360b071e, rainzm)
- region: sync capacityUsed for storage after deploying or deleting guest (390cc11e7a, rainzm)
- region: sync schedtags when syncing host (0bd75b7bc0, rainzm)
- region: sync CapacityUsed for Storage (0bda9e7514, rainzm)
- region: export user tags support virtual resources (d76915893d, wanyaoqi)
- region: set pendingUsage before creating instance snapshots (8627818e14, rainzm)
- region: server list add parameter eip_associable (8a1d15eba1, TangBin)
- region: networks: add getMtu method (80efc97c69, Yousong Zhou)
- region: distinguish between pending delete and delete notification (0c72872330, rainzm)
- region: add SExternalizedResourceBase, SManagedResourceBase to SInstanceSnapshot (bb109953df, rainzm)
- region: send webhook server_create when canceling pending delete (79eacb5b45, rainzm)
- region: support automatic start vm after reseting isp (f077f06021, rainzm)
- region: add instance storage capability (8779895298, Qu Xuan)
- region: divide notify templates into Chinese and English versions (ac438282a5, rainzm)
- region: replace 虚拟机 with 主机 or 云主机 (654c517240, rainzm)
- region: change fomat 'id' to 'name(id)' in scheduledtasks' log (33a4f332cb, rainzm)
- region: make DeleteSnapshotExpiredRelease applies to postpaid vm (be042a0758, rainzm)
- region: add instance_snapshot for regionquota (23b1a2b143, rainzm)
- region: add options DeleteSnapshotExpiredRelease (e4efbdc336, rainzm)
- region: azure tags (950e75f8b0, lvyangyang)
- region/glance: update cpu arch apis (59102f2dda, wanyaoqi)
- region/schedtag: schedtag support set multi resources (a16b048f96, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: support filtering storage via medium (bf30c48eea, rainzm)
- scripts: add export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 (4135e62f6f, rainzm)
- vpcagent: export subnet mac gen funcs (9288c2fd81, Yousong Zhou)
- webconsole: add huawei vnc support (6e0acab93b, TangBin)
- webhook: send webhook notification when c/d loadbalancerlisterrule (24f4a684a5, rainzm)
Glance (1)
- check min disk size on update (53d0914cd9, wanyaoqi)
Guests (1)
- add bgp_type arg when create guest (6bbf090494, Yousong Zhou)
Host (5)
- fix order init host srevice (cbb801753b, wanyaoqi)
- restart etcd session on keepalive failed (7dc8f906c9, wanyaoqi)
- specifie bash for start guest (aa45e62cbd, wanyaoqi)
- fix sync storage info duration' (4b09751f56, wanyaoqi)
- fix rbd storage cache iso image (9e0ce8722e, wanyaoqi)
Hostinfo (1)
- try create network add is_on_premise (#7706) (74c8c6bfe2, wanyaoqi)
Hostman (1)
- metadata: add handler for /local-sub-ipv4s (adb998ff55, Yousong Zhou)
Hotfix (1)
- allow merge networks without continuous addresses 2. filter guest_ip_start and guest_ip_end with contains operator (6a55acafaf, Qiu Jian)
Httperrors (3)
- HTTPError: use Error type (776ef9b8b5, Yousong Zhou)
- add Error type (4d7eee4f2b, Yousong Zhou)
- use existing details if id is not present (#7710) (da64e4a267, Yousong Zhou)
Httputils (1)
- preserve format val types (d21c262c14, Yousong Zhou)
I18n (2)
- add ITable (449c96ad5d, Yousong Zhou)
- move out from httperrors pkg (1c1dcbde45, Yousong Zhou)
Informer (1)
- ignore outside context cancel when worker run (ff53671a18, Zexi Li)
Locales (3)
- monitor: add translations (0ecdb5cd96, Yousong Zhou)
- update translation (b075447f95, Yousong Zhou)
- update translations (69c7af840a, Yousong Zhou)
Lockman (1)
- test: add prefix setting (cd5163eebb, Yousong Zhou)
Logclient (5)
- i18n: en for const (ca8fcb3364, Yousong Zhou)
- i18n: cn for const (08ef1728d6, Yousong Zhou)
- convert const val to use latin chars (31cea0a736, Yousong Zhou)
- move ws list to separate file (7f90da555e, Yousong Zhou)
- separate lines (ee7b9e2877, Yousong Zhou)
Logger (4)
- actionlog: i18n for distinct-field (e4cef880a3, Yousong Zhou)
- actionlog: readability change (d8887266ae, Yousong Zhou)
- actionlog: add GetI18N (202ded8c9f, Yousong Zhou)
- actionlog: remove redundant comments (fb28d96d5a, Yousong Zhou)
Monitor (4)
- query with signature and support measurement without database (3a5bde4a3b, Zexi Li)
- set default influxdb datasource by endpoint type (409c67e24b, Zexi Li)
- add alert resource (31cf935dac, Zexi Li)
- error fmt (50eafd957d, Yousong Zhou)
Multicloud (12)
- qcloud: fix instancenic (e8ef92ad23, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add ptr deref func (5f1fd6c7f9, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add apiDomainByRegion (0e0f8bfa94, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add getVpcClient (1ab4d40497, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add getSdkClient (9dcd0d2db1, Yousong Zhou)
- aliyun: instancenic: handle InvalidOperation.Ipv4CountExceeded (a3d6a039ac, Yousong Zhou)
- aws: subaddress management (1b6275f803, Yousong Zhou)
- aws: instancenic: add interface id attribute (3159f6d6d7, Yousong Zhou)
- aliyun: instancenic: secondary address management (0fe90abea8, Yousong Zhou)
- ICloudNic: add GetId() (2afa068d71, Yousong Zhou)
- ICloudNic: fix GetMAC() (956bc945a9, Yousong Zhou)
- aliyun: make getSdkClient proxy aware (9072a69aec, Yousong Zhou)
Networkaddresses (6)
- handle cloudprovider.ErrAddressCountExceed (eec81e73e7, Yousong Zhou)
- do server sync for on premise servers (159453eceb, Yousong Zhou)
- disallow batch create for external resources (05984b49a7, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudprovider support (7343be04b1, Yousong Zhou)
- add to nics field of guest desc (0c8d8358e6, Yousong Zhou)
- add parent_type guestnetwork (87ed4e9a55, Yousong Zhou)
Networks (6)
- usedAddressQuery: rename with baseq, ownerq, retq (8ed18fbf34, Yousong Zhou)
- split getUsedAddressQuery as method of each manager (1609496f9c, Yousong Zhou)
- fix typo in log (f54de809b2, Yousong Zhou)
- make filter by bgp types available (51dafd29e7, Yousong Zhou)
- list: make bgp_type available (d4469ffde4, Yousong Zhou)
- add field BgpType (258ceb7ba8, Yousong Zhou)
Opslog (1)
- move const to separate file (642a90146e, Yousong Zhou)
Optimized (5)
- server delete log and wait time (1e160821e6, Qu Xuan)
- aliyun create rds backup (aa5cbd0b0e, Qu Xuan)
- rds zone sync (d207d982e8, Qu Xuan)
- create eip params (17cf23b804, Qu Xuan)
- region: qcloud bucket policy set and get operation (c0bcfa9a53, Qu Xuan)
Others (186)
- update vendor (b4d5400e65, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor (93ceb707b7, Qiu Jian)
- 负载均衡ACL&证书增加项目和共享 (670a06d53d, TangBin)
- add getStorageType err log (1afaa2950a, TangBin)
- suggestAlert feature: (2bae6c0bb6, zhaoxiangchun)
- add redis and redis skus slave zone info & huawei aws supported storage type update (2d15a7b977, TangBin)
- docker 交叉编译规则更新 (c9ec30b5b3, Zhang Dongliang)
- detach AlertResource on alertDisable (357dd4e698, zhaoxiangchun)
- add:get bucket cdn domain (9b627c10fb, lvyangyang)
- host-deployer: customize user cloudroot home dir (6e66a129d6, wanyaoqi)
- add:bucket ops const i18n (8c29c53961, lvyangyang)
- qcloud create single zone elb bugfix (63eddd2194, TangBin)
- modify alertResource ws info (d02db0e401, zhaoxiangchun)
- qcloud bucket task (da4150e5ca, lvyangyang)
- commonalert bugfix: (c39540d5ca, zhaoxiangchun)
- huawei vm support vnc (6b23c5c8fc, TangBin)
- aliyun finance cloud zone add suffix (576120f153, TangBin)
- aliyun finance cloud region add suffix (7360c544ff, TangBin)
- suggestalet bugfix (922874936f, zhaoxiangchun)
- qemu-arm: fix cdrom params (cc7542cc6f, wanyaoqi)
- allow delete role-policy-binding (f1be0adf6e, Qiu Jian)
- add:aws lb tag (910bec329b, lvyangyang)
- redis set autorenew bugfix (6ce5b1d509, TangBin)
- redis set autorenew bugfix (fe07cda1a9, TangBin)
- batch user create bugifx (3ceec3aa1e, TangBin)
- huawei create disk bugfix (4e3e5b01a5, TangBin)
- add success note on guest start and stop (f464a904d1, wanyaoqi)
- redis create bugfix (dd2eb4b446, TangBin)
- redis prepaid create autorenew bugfix (3a44985557, TangBin)
- commonalert bugfix: (a9c3c5bfdc, zhaoxiangchun)
- qcloud redis secgroup sync fix & qcloud add renew& auto_renew (09145c3c1d, TangBin)
- fix:修复dns record name校验的问题 (089aea99d8, lvyangyang)
- add:qcloud routetable (4569326322, lvyangyang)
- qcloud release prepaid resource bugfix (3b7c925212, TangBin)
- add resource type (0a0b73406d, zhaoxiangchun)
- update vendor for jsonutils (ca0e79effb, Qiu Jian)
- commonalert bugfix (97ed340387, zhaoxiangchun)
- Fix a typo: ProviderFactor -> ProviderFactory (47d358ecb1, Shaohui Liu)
- fix:域名正则校验dnsrecord name,同步中文域名取punycode (73d750e1c7, lvyangyang)
- add route (321e3c2f7c, lvyangyang)
- modify monitor querycondition: (d45c096390, zhaoxiangchun)
- add option PrepaidDeleteExpireCheck (c5a88b80b5, TangBin)
- qcloud delete prepaid redis bugfix (bbe362be2f, TangBin)
- qcloud create prepaid redis bugfix (4be09cfc0d, TangBin)
- lbcert cache delete bugfix (2f7781d152, TangBin)
- aws create bugfix (0bf274f125, TangBin)
- modify go test error (72b9f2ec77, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix stream disk on add disk from snapshot (4a2613a66a, wanyaoqi)
- goimport fix (bf1d8eccf5, tangbin)
- deal return error info: tsdb (8df8e6ca26, zhaoxiangchun)
- clean duplicate cached certificated at initial (f87c0e3972, TangBin)
- qcloud create project not match bugfix (9a43bb667d, TangBin)
- qcloud certificate sync bugfix (6343e3f4ba, TangBin)
- qcloud cert bugfix (d6677d86d7, TangBin)
- modify monitor dashboard save: (d519be9ab1, zhaoxiangchun)
- qcloud elb cert duplicate fix (46e65d9e02, TangBin)
- qcloud redis create missing project id bugfix (babed456d5, TangBin)
- update vendor (e48616cdc0, rainzm)
- qcloud lb sync project bugfix (8589d67ac3, TangBin)
- retry generate ifname from random string (f71def645e, wanyaoqi)
- redis 2.8 reset password bugfix (02d0902d94, TangBin)
- add redis capabilty & lb purge (0a695c2dca, TangBin)
- redis delete bugfix (ac03debc97, tangbin)
- qcloud elb auth mode bugfix (ea497d077d, TangBin)
- ha guest misc fix (0389ec8048, wanyaoqi)
- qcloud redis tags (cfbe92ed91, lvyangyang)
- elb sync bugfix (399539b92d, tangbin)
- dirve mirror check block replication is support (980396f151, wanyaoqi)
- sync elb support classic vpc (1eaf06d051, tangbin)
- qcloud redis support (d7894776f3, TangBin)
- fix get host archs capability (8d07a6308f, wanyaoqi)
- list support scope filter (1805be4d2f, Qiu Jian)
- update api models (48e40fa5a9, Qiu Jian)
- commalertUpdateInput increat param: (10b273938d, zhaoxiangchun)
- qcloud zone sync fix (44b40599a5, TangBin)
- loadbalancer support batch create (541a2d4e0d, TangBin)
- fix on stream disk complete snapshots refcount not update (4efbe27abc, wanyaoqi)
- check disk is in reset before delete snapshot (e7ce3fd9d8, wanyaoqi)
- create with tags (2c043454a5, lvyangyang)
- bugfix: (b4a83dc15e, zhaoxiangchun)
- elb salve zone 1 external id bugfix (6f2a9d8b7c, TangBin)
- elb sync zone bugfix (94d3fa82af, TangBin)
- host increase cpu mem max size (6b7a525734, wanyaoqi)
- add qcloud elb zone1 details (1f17dcf680, TangBin)
- resource tags (58737942ad, lvyangyang)
- qcloud elb supplort multi zones (f86dc52e90, TangBin)
- climc lb-create add parameter zone1 (69e0ae9ded, TangBin)
- qcloud elb support multi zones (e6af8ad2c4, TangBin)
- fix:get all project dns resource (efa5a8495a, lvyangyang)
- fix fetch customize columns (cb45349ec4, wanyaoqi)
- fix informer backend (128ec17741, wanyaoqi)
- lbcert delete bugfix (05f1900a26, TangBin)
- resource tags (3a73eb9e30, lvyangyang)
- remove try set informer backend (917a62c142, wanyaoqi)
- telegraf-raid-plugin: update raid state to lower case (de03ab9397, wanyaoqi)
- keystone init etcd backend (5f5090038b, wanyaoqi)
- fix:qcloud vpc peer error wrap (bb4e09aee7, lvyangyang)
- .circleci: build: make with parallel level 2 (47fd7fb27e, Yousong Zhou)
- add aliyun finance environment (2032e5f1d1, TangBin)
- telegraf raid plugin (225f3b21c1, wanyaoqi)
- remove alpine build cache before make image (0619d3566f, Zhang Dongliang)
- fix:openstack lb 后端ip无法映射到主机的异常处理 (415ef08661, lvyangyang)
- replace NewFloat by NewFloat64 and NewFloat32 (1cfee7cf6c, wanyaoqi)
- make mode (63887337fd, wanyaoqi)
- fix host-deployer base image (bc26bdb8fb, wanyaoqi)
- fix:aliyun jsonRequest 增加i/o timeout retry (93365de62e, lvyangyang)
- 在 docker push 脚本里创建_output 目录,以便容错 (4be578fc2f, Zhang Dongliang)
- 在 docker push 脚本里创建_output 目录,以便容错 (1f7988ecd7, Zhang Dongliang)
- 解决编译之后 output 的 owerner 问题 (54f86817d1, Zhang Dongliang)
- genreate api models (e64fe802e0, wanyaoqi)
- add interface freeze virtual resource (dcdf45d184, wanyaoqi)
- esxi-agent 编译方式兼容 arm64 (eda8be1be8, Zhang Dongliang)
- Add web url to alarm template (3d9923a7c0, zhaoxiangchun)
- bugfix:scoperesource FilterByOwner (c0eae040a8, zhaoxiangchun)
- remove aws lbbg cache metedata (1ce5db7695, TangBin)
- modify suggest rule cli (af9e911fd0, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix:允许cname record通过policy多值 (68283ceedb, lvyangyang)
- aliyun public elb region fix (44e9cf0491, TangBin)
- multi-arch 的镜像使用使用支持 arm64 (0b3afa9ebe, Zhang Dongliang)
- bugfix commalert 3.4 (1c7deaf7b6, zhaoxiangchun)
- aliyun public elb brand fix (d71a1f8670, TangBin)
- multi-arch 的镜像使用使用支持 arm64 (65e3900ea4, Zhang Dongliang)
- add mcclient sample (a4bedc7e2e, Qiu Jian)
- fix:forbid top level public domain name (4435255f44, lvyangyang)
- mcclient modules: fix k8s fed rolebinding joint wrong resource manager (c7e8287c67, Zexi Li)
- bugfix :esxi 多机器环境下拉取监控超时 (6154f46a64, zhaoxiangchun)
- aliyun create public lb fix (2de610a3a6, TangBin)
- fix:/dnsrecordset重复检查,dnszonevpc数量 (ed99a69811, lvyangyang)
- increase rbd check timeout (4ec1727d72, wanyaoqi)
- umount nfs on detach storage (24eaf51210, wanyaoqi)
- fix:(region) correct syncSchedtags (fc9b61c2a9, rainzm)
- set stagefail on clean fail (d13cc99495, wanyaoqi)
- huawei client request add throttling control (1d044f7126, TangBin)
- bugfix:commonalert (6037c84a58, zhaoxiangchun)
- huawei elb get params log (d8832a1670, TangBin)
- qcloud elb create listener fix (35d1553362, TangBin)
- huawei snapshot delete fix (faeb294d56, TangBin)
- wait deleted (13823d41e1, lvyangyang)
- commonalert bugfix 3.4 (475c81c58c, zhaoxiangchun)
- bugfix:esxi collect metric (418540c79d, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix esxi-agent dockerfile typo (5db1fa686e, Zhang Dongliang)
- make with ARCH argument (bc6ac93cef, Zhang Dongliang)
- support search ip (6d6e318134, wanyaoqi)
- regional network filter bugfix (c8c022733c, TangBin)
- ctyun sync secgroup fix & cloudaccount delete fix (95e058d062, TangBin)
- common alert bugfix/3.4 (f58bca93db, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix host deployer base image (1fc5bac7fa, wanyaoqi)
- ctyun add region cn-bj1 (4a36f82f73, TangBin)
- support mutli params (f4c1a3ea59, wanyaoqi)
- fix set host image cache properties (c6eecebed0, wanyaoqi)
- fix update image status after save failed (686b639979, wanyaoqi)
- dup record process (ff4bde696c, lvyangyang)
- host sync storage size (50a85b73ee, wanyaoqi)
- suggest rule modify: (9a2267230d, zhaoxiangchun)
- bugfix vmware monitor (0842b6f5f7, zhaoxiangchun)
- commonalet bugfix: (a624625520, zhaoxiangchun)
- Add mock test for genericScheudler.Schedule (57d8f991ab, rainzm)
- dns access (25ddca8609, lvyangyang)
- fix host error output (945fac0a4b, wanyaoqi)
- isolated devices info reenterable (641c71880b, wanyaoqi)
- guest short desc add backup host id (09e568e14c, wanyaoqi)
- fix get ubuntu version (495d9174c9, wanyaoqi)
- pex register add optional column mac_access (88838bb538, TangBin)
- optimized cachedimages sync (dc1c6c754c, Qu Xuan)
- create classic vpc fix (6a22bf0e7b, TangBin)
- Feature & Fix for Notify (#7714) (1ed65ddd1a, Rain Zheng)
- update host status to unknown on host offline (4a00c22297, wanyaoqi)
- listfilter by alert_id (138a161195, zhaoxiangchun)
- alert record bugfix (bb22fba257, zhaoxiangchun)
- vmware disk support deploy lvm partition (7dcb240940, wanyaoqi)
- Bugfix/yousong i18n (#7712) (b314b66b71, Yousong Zhou)
- Fix problem of esxi (#7661) (e393f3ee21, Rain Zheng)
- Fix for Notify (#7692) (74af85b8eb, Rain Zheng)
- monitor commonalert bugfix (#7667) (c66ea1145d, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix host get guests (#7682) (795a11fcea, wanyaoqi)
- fix get storage capacity on init' (#7686) (3dec0fdc60, wanyaoqi)
- snapshot list by guest (fb41d16c97, wanyaoqi)
- update host deployer base image version (70f953dee8, wanyaoqi)
- baremetal colloct isolated devices info (#7357) (75cd041d79, wanyaoqi)
- fix mount fetcher fs (#7656) (f255e8fcd0, wanyaoqi)
- remove backup metadata on delete backup (#7653) (b0edff1d80, wanyaoqi)
- eip & vpc manager match fix (#7650) (11f86bb290, tb365)
- add host cpu archs capabilitie (e510ed1969, wanyaoqi)
- support create arm virtual machine (7d94c4e46f, wanyaoqi)
- host campactable with arm64 (bb0d81bc06, wanyaoqi)
- fix build baremetal agent image (#7646) (cb036b8821, wanyaoqi)
- update architecture img (9fd99a22fd, Zexi Li)
Region (7)
- networks: attach func use struct args (d8cfba9217, Yousong Zhou)
- networkresource: fix signature of GetExtraDetails (f87d094580, Yousong Zhou)
- guest detail add field macs (54275ddcf5, wanyaoqi)
- host specs replace space char to '_' (eb093a3459, Zexi Li)
- fix query object by spec not include details (88514a9fc2, Zexi Li)
- fix schedtag joint resource master/slave field wrong order (0113ec40c2, Zexi Li)
- fix network schedtag not cleanup when network deleted (b859f3ba3e, Zexi Li)
Regiondrivers (1)
- kvm: exact match bgp_type (774cfcbfaf, Yousong Zhou)
Schedtags (1)
- add ListItemExportKeys (b79915d407, Yousong Zhou)
Scheduler (4)
- ignore non running guests only exclude ready status (b47b0dc863, Zexi Li)
- forecast api with candidates result (0ed41b09e1, Zexi Li)
- fix fillter isolated device (1f51af3a61, wanyaoqi)
- ignore network type when specified (e129d580bd, Zexi Li)
Specs (1)
- fix specKey url not escape (bf682f5659, Zexi Li)
Stringutils2 (1)
- add RemoveUtf8Strings func (f0cc1d3d1a, Zexi Li)
Treewide (3)
- avoid variable fmt str (152eaa8c50, Yousong Zhou)
- fmt error (ad52aae79a, Yousong Zhou)
- DeleteFailReason as an object with translated details (6415de33d3, Yousong Zhou)
Usage (1)
- host show isolated dev reserved memory (0b11854a8b, wanyaoqi)
Vendor (7)
- add tencentcloud-sdk-go vpc (4a45ca59df, Yousong Zhou)
- bump alibaba-cloud-sdk-go to v1.61.684 (47a2d07634, Yousong Zhou)
- add github.com/aliyun/alibaba-cloud-sdk-go/services/ecs (edbddb38b6, Yousong Zhou)
- bump yunion.io/x/pkg (46088408bc, Yousong Zhou)
- bump yunion.io/x/sqlchemy (f0fba9aa20, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/jsonutils (854ff4079a, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/sqlchemy (b7c3959e04, Yousong Zhou)
Vpcagent (6)
- ovn: make aware of sub ips (c3b4edae1b, Yousong Zhou)
- models: join network addresses (314f9fcc0f, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: filter by cloud_env=onpremise (f699f7cb55, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: increase dhcp lease, renew, rebind time (39f979398b, Yousong Zhou)
- guard against foul eip records (9168284d59, Yousong Zhou)
- respect guest src check settings (#7677) (ad6b38f68a, Yousong Zhou)
Webconsole (3)
- ssh: add keyboard-interactive as an option (aa6e45e4d9, Yousong Zhou)
- ssh: each argument on its own line (cce2af5010, Yousong Zhou)
- fix defer order to release zombie process (4f8b80fcc1, wanyaoqi)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
53 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.6.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (7)
- policy description supports i18n (c44eab98, Qiu Jian)
- skip create policies error (44fc13ba, Qiu Jian)
- role-policy-create many create extra role-policies (0cb1d832, Qiu Jian)
- add more dashboard default policies (5ab48d20, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor & code fix (aac39579, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: system alert policy cancel description update limit (80361034, zhaoxiangchun)
- telegraf: fix collect disk measurements (06712872, wanyaoqi)
Bugfix (1)
- suggestion: fix err when suggestion syncConfigMap (f7460ca5, zhaoxiangchun)
Chore (3)
- manifests: update deploy manifests yaml content (a12649e4, Zexi Li)
- monitor: add new service: suggestion (c03365e5, zhaoxiangchun)
- vendor: make mod (94de88d9, wanyaoqi)
Feature (3)
- optimize host daemonset config (33055137, wanyaoqi)
- initialize policie and roles v3.5 (8bd28f7e, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: add default member role (a63fddf8, Qiu Jian)
Features (6)
- add webhook plugin for notify (abf2979a, rainzm)
- component: remove kube-rbac-proxy (7cd57e86, rainzm)
- framework: support multi zone (df5b6cc4, wanyaoqi)
- host: allow setting ovnEncapIpDetectionMethod (41c2c195, Yousong Zhou)
- host-deployer: update host-deployer spec (0ffcdf02, wanyaoqi)
- operator: add nodata alert policy (a28f01e3, zhaoxiangchun)
Monitor (2)
- alert for host_raid adapter should >= 0 (edfee659, Zexi Li)
- inject smart_device and host_raid alert rule (ded1e78b, Zexi Li)
Notify (1)
Others (26)
- feat:(monitor): update system monitor alert when alert has diff info (d23f86b5, zhaoxiangchun)
- update Makefile (fec49b15, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor (27fb6445, Qiu Jian)
- etcd add pod anti affinity (a8e9ae60, wanyaoqi)
- ce edition should not deploy meter (4858f7b4, Zexi Li)
- modify host_raid alert policy (6188dc05, zhaoxiangchun)
- 限制 client_body_timeout 时长,预防慢攻击 (da7327e3, Zhang Dongliang)
- 限制 client_body_timeout 时长,预防慢攻击 (ad5c33da, Zhang Dongliang)
- 限制 client_header_timeout 时长,预防慢攻击 (d22e839d, Zhang Dongliang)
- 更新 nginx 配置以防 dos 攻击 (65dd6141, Zhang Dongliang)
- qcloud add redis crond (c474c0c4, zhaoxiangchun)
- modify commonalert init policy : (fb9ba72e, zhaoxiangchun)
- add qcloud rds crond (2ecc8568, zhaoxiangchun)
- bugfix: (bb130305, zhaoxiangchun)
- make mod (49408d53, wanyaoqi)
- set image default policy to if not present (54e78c22, Zexi Li)
- telegraf add disk plugin (c285508d, wanyaoqi)
- not create notice (3029a7c7, Zexi Li)
- pod affinity by storage class (fde292dc, wanyaoqi)
- BusyBox upgrade ,modify cloudmon timeout arg (eb465444, zhaoxiangchun)
- host image spec fix (5ba89209, wanyaoqi)
- add flag check is failed etcd pods need delete (586b3e77, wanyaoqi)
- push 镜像后,拉回本地 (665a910e, Zhang Dongliang)
- buildx for onecloud-operator (0c9ac242, Zhang Dongliang)
- deployment with pvc not set node affinity (#255) (ce2eed83, Zexi Li)
Regiondns (1)
- configmap: quash trailing spaces (641f3b26, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (1)
- update yunion.io/x/master to current release/3.6 (a7054e2b, Yousong Zhou)
Web (1)
Yunionagent (1)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator
10 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.6.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (3)
- for last pr (aeb3671, rainzm)
- retry after a while when dealErr (ec6ecc1, rainzm)
- resource/vm: convert imageName to imageId before requesting for creating vm (17c8de2, rainzm)
Code Refactoring (1)
Features (5)
- add more reasonable title for cherry pick PR (b4097f8, rainzm)
- init docs (a28b5cd, rainzm)
- keep cloudresource when resource in k8s is invalid (ab1ab79, rainzm)
- add manager-pro section in Makefile (0f96432, rainzm)
- resource: better use for logger (22beac3, rainzm)
Others (1)
- docker buildx for onecloud-service-operator (e6b93e7, Zhang Dongliang)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/notify-plugins
18 commits to notify-plugins - v3.6.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (4)
- common: correct error judgment in BatchSend (1b15dee, rainzm)
- dingtalk: return correct value in getUseridByMobile (0a041d0, rainzm)
- robot: Correct err value of ValidateConfig (a367fff, rainzm)
- workwx: Incorrect variable use for ok (abf098b, rainzm)
Features (9)
- add httpclient timeout for webhook (80e0757, rainzm)
- add webhook robot(custom robot) (18a1106, rainzm)
- support multi webhooks config for robot (1f43774, rainzm)
- break down error from UserIdByMobile (a5ab93b, rainzm)
- email: support toggle ssl (3d4bb13, rainzm)
- notify: Add BatchSend for websocket (f046407, rainzm)
- notify: Add common function to batch send (d9a0118, rainzm)
- robot: support mutli WebhookPrefix (6054b2a, rainzm)
- robot: Add BatchSend (6d7564e, rainzm)
Others (5)
- 增加调试开关 (e0c6d39, Zhang Dongliang)
- buildx for notifyplugins (cf14a4f, Zhang Dongliang)
- makefile 去掉 sudo; make all bins (51c965a, Zhang Dongliang)
- docker buildx for notify plugins (9c1c2cd, Zhang Dongliang)
- update vendor (e3739ac, rainzm)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm
7 commits to ocadm - v3.6.0 since this release.
Autoupdate (1)
Bug Fixes (2)
- makefile: 更改3.6的 Makefile 号 (649a9dd5, Zhang Dongliang)
- update: cluster update operator parse image digest (ea3bcf80, Zexi Li)
Chore (2)
Others (2)
- metricsserver 自动选择平台 (42775830, Zhang Dongliang)
- clean info from from autoupdate component when update (a53d4c58, Zexi Li)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent
30 commits to sdnagent - v3.6.0 since this release.
Agent (4)
- server: enable ovnMdMan (ae3eab64, Yousong Zhou)
- server: add metadata server (c7af8c77, Yousong Zhou)
- server: watch: add FindGuestDescByNetIdIP (0b314bde, Yousong Zhou)
- server: use utils.RunOvsctl (8fd71650, Yousong Zhou)
Bug Fixes (1)
- hostconfig: fix watching hostconfig (b8951417, Yousong Zhou)
Build (2)
- eipgw: track to ensure stop state as well (048a1c95, Yousong Zhou)
- eipgw: vrrp track script as monitor (a485d614, Yousong Zhou)
Flowsource (5)
- make aware of sub ips (b1afd56c, Yousong Zhou)
- relax constraint when mac check on and ip check off (3bf98557, Yousong Zhou)
- reword ref comments on allow_switch_vms (5e848c1b, Yousong Zhou)
- reword ref comments on allow_router_vms (7ae147d4, Yousong Zhou)
- remove now unused code for dev (bde47236, Yousong Zhou)
Others (3)
- .circleci: bump go to 1.14 (122342ce, Yousong Zhou)
- pull image for buildx (08a03951, Zhang Dongliang)
- docker buildx for sdnagent (c4e72f77, Zhang Dongliang)
Sdnagent (1)
- be cooperative (24e75c1b, Yousong Zhou)
Tc (6)
- QdiscTree: add Root() method (ebcb90df, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: special case mq (2ce36e0d, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: fix children key (61b5543c, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: use qbase for BaseQdisc() return (98de150d, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: rename vars (5747fb50, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: use current tree instead of the root (61959257, Yousong Zhou)
Tcman (1)
- skip devices with mq qdisc (483628ca, Yousong Zhou)
Utils (4)
- add RunOvsctl (d0aa06c6, Yousong Zhou)
- guest: add GetJSONObjectDesc (469d4d9e, Yousong Zhou)
- guest: add FindNicByNetIdIP (d42997c3, Yousong Zhou)
- guest: make aware of sub ips (630b4c97, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (3)
- bump to onecloud master branch (beb7661b9fc) (b67c9e1c, Yousong Zhou)
- bump yunion.io/x/onecloud to current tip of release/3.3 (f3e62313, Yousong Zhou)
- bump yunion.io/x/onecloud to current tip of release/3.3 (a175a5bd, Yousong Zhou)