Released at 2020-08-02 19:03:34
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
763 commits to cloudpods - v3.3.0 since this release.
Add (1)
- region/openstack 迁移接入 (386746365d, lvyangyang)
Ansibleserver (1)
- register metadata manager (916943a7c2, Yousong Zhou)
Apigateway (2)
- expose identity/image/k8s usage rpc method (686cc78247, Zexi Li)
- handlers: register cloudnet modules (a70d17d6d0, Yousong Zhou)
Apis (4)
- compute: move struct defs (8a79c0f708, Yousong Zhou)
- network: add NETWORK_TYPE_EIP (b62d41a835, Yousong Zhou)
- add const definitions for eip gateway ips (30844db326, Yousong Zhou)
- add ovn distgw const definitions (12639e027b, Yousong Zhou)
Appsrv (2)
- rework TestRing (358f5d41af, Yousong Zhou)
- ring: release ring content on pop (e37f15cac2, Yousong Zhou)
Baremetal (6)
- fix hpssactl split last LV size out of limit (#7427) (e64f249453, Zexi Li)
- set zone when enable netif (df4d88e195, Zexi Li)
- fix forget init lockman pkg (8ebabd6ae3, Zexi Li)
- fix ssh put empty content file not created (541c72849a, Zexi Li)
- find baremetal add scope system (cfc9fcedde, Zexi Li)
- ensure power up add retries (5693ae05da, Zexi Li)
Bug Fixes (301)
- sysadmin cannot convert host in non-default domain (f54d633258, Qiu Jian)
- byte size fix (5ed624d15d, Qu Xuan)
- elasticcache_account_reset_password_task.go cherry pick build fail (#7452) (88497da742, Jian Qiu)
- sync share mode between vpc and wire (9dfed28459, Qiu Jian)
- 避免glance metadata-list project scope无权限 (#7403) (92d8437c45, 屈轩)
- 优化openstack项目认证 (#7398) (65cd074ffa, 屈轩)
- 避免在仅调整虚拟机磁盘时opslog日志记录mem cpu异常 (#7393) (5dc8296332, 屈轩)
- avoid lost backend params (46fa77b29b, Qu Xuan)
- openstack win image user data need encode (c39de392c3, Qu Xuan)
- ignore general s3 set acl not implemented error (7e47d7aeb4, Qiu Jian)
- avoid account sync deadlock (01f384cf80, Qu Xuan)
- openstack多项目问题 (816b29267c, Qu Xuan)
- avoid parse json err nil pointer (f9b51a9f54, Qu Xuan)
- 添加阿里云rds备份恢复限制条件 (ba953f20ce, Qu Xuan)
- change owner should check required domain list (04b4ab3760, Qiu Jian)
- 普通视图下,安全组仅统计可看到的vm count (6b2cb20f4c, Qu Xuan)
- 同步sku与磁盘类型关系 (28a80ac52e, Qu Xuan)
- 避免创建rds备份时对rds进行一些操作 (#7355) (bd6b45aaef, 屈轩)
- 修复vm绑定重复安全组 (f03d021aa5, Qu Xuan)
- add default perform allow policy to sysadmin (3f09d00198, Qiu Jian)
- modify list details for guesttemplate (d06d2026f4, rainzm)
- 避免status_code>=400并且resp为空时err为nil (#7265) (f2456d2364, 屈轩)
- cloud account delete may fail due to inconsistent status (f624ab1529, Qiu Jian)
- show sql connection error (9cb2727bf1, Qu Xuan)
- do accessibility check when dissociate eip from resource (ded8da0016, Qiu Jian)
- schedtag should be system resource (4d33d1a703, Qiu Jian)
- choose candidate list from the list returned from backend (c90c0944c1, Qiu Jian)
- 单独添加更新账单文件日志 (e7fc9b94b0, Qu Xuan)
- 支持多项目安全组规则过滤 (fef5147ae4, Qu Xuan)
- domain resource domain share to system when non_default_domain_projects off (671d202271, Qiu Jian)
- cloudaccount is created as system shared by default (e0fc57bea1, Qiu Jian)
- 避免未能导出共享安全组规则 (1c4e9e00a5, Qu Xuan)
- image upload not clean pending usage (ba983df32b, Qiu Jian)
- quota usage not updated after disk resizing (508f30901a, Qiu Jian)
- rds备份恢复优化 (ecb7249a1d, Qu Xuan)
- default vpc must be shared globally (fa67bd8312, rainzm)
- globalvpc跟随云账号共享 (f8471832e9, Qu Xuan)
- 过滤可用eip (23e17fe0a1, Qu Xuan)
- 避免乌兰察布区域拉取资源异常 (a443975f7e, Qu Xuan)
- prefetch image error when create guest with vmware template (4ef5267a85, rainzm)
- not work for network-list --zones (d6b83fbbf8, Qu Xuan)
- sec rule export missing fields (cee24b2a7d, Qu Xuan)
- check azure image format when rebuild root (1b5b8081f1, Qu Xuan)
- 避免华为云安全组规则删除失败 (64599b4819, Qu Xuan)
- clouduser's cloudgroups info (fb229f6c79, Qu Xuan)
- 添加secgroup rule过滤参数 (a5fc7c807c, Qu Xuan)
- 修复cloudid get权限问题 (09f2b2af26, Qu Xuan)
- azure 支持权限 (c003f78f62, Qu Xuan)
- 修复cloudid用户列表权限问题 (26434683c4, Qu Xuan)
- 优化webconsole代码&bugfix (ea3097240e, Qu Xuan)
- mo.VirtualMachine's Config maybe nil (0420266b7d, rainzm)
- 修复阿里云同步安全组规则异常问题 (2f42e9e5f4, Qu Xuan)
- 避免google clouduser同步权限异常 (7056fa01b4, Qu Xuan)
- 修复vpc同步异常问题 (ef6d0c2adc, Qu Xuan)
- 避免越界访问 (09ccf107cb, Qu Xuan)
- opslog show the owners operation logs only (a186f25871, Qiu Jian)
- remove default allow policy for storages (8f7223b1d6, Qiu Jian)
- cloudid 权限修复 (05c730acea, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid 异常修复 (b4ed259633, Qu Xuan)
- 修复资源组云上同步异常问题 (89cb75bfeb, Qu Xuan)
- 修复qcloud同步权限组异常问题 (21178638f0, Qu Xuan)
- 修复azure 项目同步问题 (e8ff39a011, Qu Xuan)
- 避免请求中国区iam异常 (5f9b6622f0, Qu Xuan)
- perform private on vpc will private all wires if no networks in wires (2286ef19b4, Qiu Jian)
- 修复腾讯云操作日志时间异常问题 (8a1d2d1eaf, Qu Xuan)
- 修复elastic cache sku zone_id异常问题 (76906efea2, Qu Xuan)
- 分开统计安全组关联虚拟机数量 (a997cf4982, Qu Xuan)
- json request 支持自定义匹配err (6ac6768e36, Qu Xuan)
- remove default host list policy (eb342a70ab, Qiu Jian)
- cloud poilcy count (367d3f1470, Qu Xuan)
- 避免cloudprovider同步缺失 (e7cd84275e, Qu Xuan)
- google rds regional and zonal (79d0169855, Qu Xuan)
- cloud account sync may block (6133b1a5cc, Qiu Jian)
- 避免azure同步资源组异常 (fcf1e193b9, Qu Xuan)
- 避免slave zoneid异常 (f303512a7c, Qu Xuan)
- 同步不需要判断账号是否有iam权限 (acf641be26, Qu Xuan)
- clouduser can_delete always be false (a54a9c05b1, Qu Xuan)
- 优化安全组list速度,并发挥rule规则信息 (dc3ef5c61e, Qu Xuan)
- 公有云子账号加域属性 (9c62343075, Qu Xuan)
- 修复cloudid同步问题 (544c19f3ce, Qu Xuan)
- 取消aliyun lb scheduler创建限制 (82d0f5c03f, Qu Xuan)
- manager_id资源隔离获取 (66fc71cc81, Qu Xuan)
- 优化sku同步逻辑 (04427515fa, Qu Xuan)
- Override Master and Slave for scalinggroup_guest (23c76dc796, rainzm)
- validate candiate ip for sync-fix-nics (41a9d92421, Qiu Jian)
- capability for cloudid (781cc3ed6b, Qu Xuan)
- 避免未本地缓存usercache (45819e6c12, Qu Xuan)
- 修复cloudid问题 (223c9439b1, Qu Xuan)
- 支持同步project标签到本地资源 (e31334b471, Qu Xuan)
- 修正项目映射同步 (b25295bf03, Qu Xuan)
- 修复权限组权限同步异常问题 (21a09d29d6, Qu Xuan)
- reduce totp verification overhead (265bbc6e77, Qiu Jian)
- 避免同步不到其他域的云账号 (ef0242d15b, Qu Xuan)
- Error occurs when suitableWire exists or all suitableNetwork exist. (030a2edfb9, rainzm)
- disable domain sharing if non_default_domain_projects turned off (a23f57da4d, Qiu Jian)
- sort quota list result by usage rate (9012180b60, Qiu Jian)
- keystone project resource count not accurate (161db6d95f, Qiu Jian)
- google资源名称兼容处理 (4f5a2ff433, Qu Xuan)
- simplify forbidden user login message (611b9e9b5e, Qiu Jian)
- 避免azure同步项目失败 (f8cce28926, Qu Xuan)
- wrong cloud provider status when sync disconnected cloud account (1d9a3f2731, Qiu Jian)
- network created by sysadmin should be shared by default (5c53ccc3d8, Qiu Jian)
- Fix problems about sending verify email (109bdc05d8, rainzm)
- domain user no previleges to convert host (c563f021b0, Qiu Jian)
- Fix the url of 'notify-template-delete' in climc (8ed4148fbb, rainzm)
- policy allow if one of the matching rules is allow (2efb7fc9e6, Qiu Jian)
- disable policy rule compaction (818d40c08b, Qiu Jian)
- 优化 标签列表version问题 (d296a18011, Qu Xuan)
- Support to set the label of scheduledtask to Chinese (3e7a5acb9b, rainzm)
- Add zero padding in front of execution time for scheduledtask (0dad8351d3, rainzm)
- 避免openstack磁盘和存储窜位 (4e48d33ecf, Qu Xuan)
- 避免sql erorr (aa0d05ccd4, Qu Xuan)
- policy-explain not working properly (5ebb18b691, Qiu Jian)
- Hanle the error of vdisk.GetIStorage in syncCloudDisk (4c6682617c, rainzm)
- Add '/version' handler for notify (2cd2f3d029, rainzm)
- 更正华为云操作成功判断 (5837b696d7, Qu Xuan)
- disable updating zone_id for host, storage, wire (1e4acedf25, Qiu Jian)
- Wait for ticker when get status is wrong (7e80ecf61b, rainzm)
- 优化安全组同步逻辑 (03a3dfcd73, Qu Xuan)
- handler param.convert's error in caller.go (c793746f0d, rainzm)
- explainPolicy piggyback owner's privilige (e7b198ab35, Qiu Jian)
- base64 decode 12-bytes plain text password return nil (a51d554d74, Qiu Jian)
- remove spaces in name (06e19c494c, Qiu Jian)
- oss-upload fail to set object acl (d519a6584b, Qiu Jian)
- 返回object默认acl (510eb101ec, Qu Xuan)
- xsky recode using endpoint as accesskey key (de081a768d, Qiu Jian)
- Support 'generate_name' when saving template from guest (27f746eb26, rainzm)
- 避免openstack session==nil (90aa834942, Qu Xuan)
- keystone event list fail to find user (b917ea6a10, Qiu Jian)
- 添加region翻译 (6ba9a8fae8, Qu Xuan)
- 修复gcp object编码问题 (c706821a74, Qu Xuan)
- 移除默认调度策略 (c2ce0460a2, Qu Xuan)
- 转换gcp错误 (9069814b17, Qu Xuan)
- 避免越过tenantcache过期检查 (8754ef2436, Qu Xuan)
- 允许gcp创建vpc时不指定cidr (53d771025e, Qu Xuan)
- gcp默认创建允许所有地址访问的用户 (f73b3ed03f, Qu Xuan)
- apigateway expose esxiagent service avaiability (ddc483509a, Qiu Jian)
- 避免锁超时 (a519a66122, Qu Xuan)
- gcp path escape for object (23df2235e4, Qu Xuan)
- sync s3 bucket status (7cb40ec3c2, Qu Xuan)
- add us-west4 for google region (1997e41ea6, Qu Xuan)
- class method GetPropertyXXX should support rbac (a99deb6141, Qiu Jian)
- 安全组规则返回项目id信息 (61ff1544ec, Qu Xuan)
- adjust scope of isolated_device and reservedips (1c78817aba, Qiu Jian)
- 避免azure卸载磁盘失败 (d4b16667de, Qu Xuan)
- ignore match weights when searching matched policysets (0157028465, Qiu Jian)
- generating bucket APIs (5e77a9682e, Qiu Jian)
- typo (f9dcb2bb77, Qu Xuan)
- typo (05012f0bac, Qu Xuan)
- 避免因磁盘数量导致创建机器失败 (caf07c2561, Qu Xuan)
- 修复openstack存储同步问题 (e43af577b6, Qu Xuan)
- avoid host globalid change (#7466) (6e64fc4caa, 屈轩)
- 避免同步删除失败 (3c75119c50, Qu Xuan)
- scheduler test ignore quota limit (354a61632d, Qiu Jian)
- 移除azure policy sync部分 (9e07cda2bd, Qu Xuan)
- sku status filter (95ae69c2ba, Qu Xuan)
- bucket信息修正 (f89be60e69, Qu Xuan)
- tmp update (893d77398b, Qu Xuan)
- 通用指定项目到云上创建资源 (9916c99172, Qu Xuan)
- retry ipmi probe if redfish-api-probe fails (3699a9b20f, Qiu Jian)
- identity_provider details missing fields (f9bc5f6922, Qiu Jian)
- default policy not effective (03477cbe72, Qiu Jian)
- 避免openstack以镜像做系统盘创建失败 (b31922a3b9, Qu Xuan)
- Support filtering notification with contactType (ee85dec1ce, rainzm)
- empty matched policies list for roles (728524fefc, Qiu Jian)
- 返回项目信息 (5cdeebb046, Qu Xuan)
- 加入Azure套餐和镜像的检查 (0f2ff53847, Qu Xuan)
- 避免azure uefi重装系统失败 (a9c0012006, Qu Xuan)
- 避免因io问题导致同步镜像列表为空 (a7e1bdf6f5, Qu Xuan)
- usage for schetag not accurate (1dfef4dcfa, Qiu Jian)
- gcp bucket文件夹默认设为private (ef25bf3282, Qu Xuan)
- aliyun rds backup create fix (b260c04c39, Qu Xuan)
- 避免regional network-list --zone导致返回结果为空 (8bc4927d57, Qu Xuan)
- system privileges user cannot access system console (29283ff118, Qiu Jian)
- 避免忽略本地allow any云上deny any安全组规则同步 (c8ba52c94a, Qu Xuan)
- 上传镜像为转换列表之外时,subformat状态异常 (1354270c51, Qu Xuan)
- 'requirements' in ansibleplaybookv2 should be optional (77e5801ad9, rainzm)
- cloudaccount share_mode not initialized (08eda0d44d, Qiu Jian)
- list item export recode (880b0ecf4d, Qiu Jian)
- 阿里云资源组同步 (f5ed692171, Qu Xuan)
- 华为企业项目映射同步 (3a0b5c5e21, Qu Xuan)
- 仅当变更domainId时才需要更新projectId (bf57b829ae, Qu Xuan)
- 支持公有云指定资源组 (f9b1466f44, Qu Xuan)
- 支持指定resource group (4b5f8b8d5c, Qu Xuan)
- 修复zstack使用win镜像时userdata base64加密问题 (f162ac46fe, Qu Xuan)
- cloudprovider list support filter by zone and cloudregion (50f55c299c, Qiu Jian)
- 优化azure image同步逻辑 (b18035442e, Qu Xuan)
- policy create fail on initialization phrase (5b60c4fad8, Qiu Jian)
- anonymous user may list resources (f4a676575a, Qiu Jian)
- 避免大范围安全组共享 (8f4e0a5e84, Qu Xuan)
- image-list --sub-format support (f9c794f745, Qu Xuan)
- 加入azure镜像vhd检查 (589a4678fa, Qu Xuan)
- update fields permission tags (d1fd245384, Qiu Jian)
- 避免设置自动释放后磁盘的expired_at失效 (3fe417c4f6, Qu Xuan)
- 避免仅同步一个region时,其余region状态变为准备中 (33c2b5fa9d, Qu Xuan)
- 优化标签列表过滤参数 (e306a4e23f, Qu Xuan)
- bugfixes (b312b5dacb, Qiu Jian)
- disable delete standard image (ed5463ca68, Qiu Jian)
- fail to explain permission for disabled policy (54689d862b, Qiu Jian)
- server-sync-fix-nics should return errors if vnics ip is not reachable on host (605978a94e, Qiu Jian)
- xxx-agent should generally use scope=system to list resources (41125788fe, Qiu Jian)
- policy details should carry updated_at and created_at fields (4c313f5a26, Qiu Jian)
- delete idp also delete users/groups in target domain (3118a1020f, Qiu Jian)
- 尽量避免因代理问题导致google request异常 (f7bf34ee18, Qu Xuan)
- esxi disk project sync (039644e89f, Qu Xuan)
- do not share porject resource by default (ea254c8ed8, Qiu Jian)
- blacklist keystone reset admin password (7655f8e2a2, Qiu Jian)
- 自动创建项目 (72fb9a58d0, Qu Xuan)
- 修复华为云eneterprise-project-list异常问题 (4d71f7e2a3, Qu Xuan)
- 避免backup list未能正常显示rds信息 (d82cf4184b, Qu Xuan)
- 非私有云同步region name (86087b9acb, Qu Xuan)
- set public_scope to system for image with is_public=true (eb54f316c7, Qiu Jian)
- 优化rds zone同步逻辑 (fc4778f332, Qu Xuan)
- 优化windows powershell userdata (5c6b016c2d, Qu Xuan)
- avoid using background context (c35758dd08, Qiu Jian)
- status-base resource's action log missing owner project/domain (9c26c04083, Qiu Jian)
- host agent list use baremetalagents model (5c8081b6bf, Qiu Jian)
- reserved ip owner filter (07766b7b44, Qiu Jian)
- i-ps -> ips (b0b45c4209, Qu Xuan)
- openstack 安全组规则同步 (df5f5c9b9e, Qu Xuan)
- change-owner-candidate-domains not implemented for some resources (4a84beee0f, Qiu Jian)
- 避免provider错乱返回 (bd21b346a5, Qu Xuan)
- 优化openstack错误处理 (2da49eb0dd, Qu Xuan)
- cloud-provider-list support filter by cloudregion (d271ff69f0, Qu Xuan)
- 支持访问其他服务的标签列表 (f01bed833d, Qu Xuan)
- isolated_devices domain filter not working (e9101ebc2e, Qiu Jian)
- gcp rds 默认不使用vpc网络 (8cfbf9a8fe, Qu Xuan)
- 避免卸载完已删除的磁盘后,磁盘状态为ready (8a8d0f9005, Qu Xuan)
- globalvpc count vpc (b6ec2b406e, Qu Xuan)
- 避免aliyun磁盘计费类型多次转换 (2560fa3457, Qu Xuan)
- create cloudaccount with disabled state (3b0bc38583, Qiu Jian)
- panic when disk has no valid storage_id (42171cb9c9, Qiu Jian)
- init sharing status of default vpc and default secgroup (77f35bae2e, Qiu Jian)
- recode sync public_src of cloud resources (bea90b4b19, Qiu Jian)
- guestsecgroup-list panic (99ddc175ba, Qiu Jian)
- allow delete shared resource (8bd0205bb6, Qiu Jian)
- vpc, cloudprovider should not violate the sharing limit of cloud account 2. sharing mode of host and attached local storage should be consistent. 3. cannot change owner of shared resource (f2e0fcf4e9, Qiu Jian)
- export missing keys && export panic (bfa8786767, Qiu Jian)
- missing methods for SDomainRegionalCloudResourceKeys (c7d58dee91, Qiu Jian)
- fail to sync share state for on-premise storages (45b8494cdc, Qiu Jian)
- api doc(guests -> servers) (6cff98f85b, Qu Xuan)
- missing perform public/private actionlog (c473c9299e, Qiu Jian)
- shared cloudprovider not accessible (a2a60245b2, Qiu Jian)
- shared resource should not be deletable (6f3e18930e, Qiu Jian)
- fail to fetch real client ip from httprequest (5ff4b9748b, Qiu Jian)
- secgroupcache权限问题修复 (10469342bb, Qu Xuan)
- list lbbg panic (34aacdcde7, Qiu Jian)
- remove cloudaccount autosync randomness (0e03bfc275, Qiu Jian)
- 云账号创建可以指定项目 (c12c489e9f, Qu Xuan)
- sysadmin can override policy violation check (b1647e7ebf, Qiu Jian)
- usage-handler 不统计虚拟的vpc wire (d66197068d, Qu Xuan)
- cloud-account-usage vpc/storage not accurate (f39f838166, Qiu Jian)
- export files complain duplicate field name error (5c138b9199, Qiu Jian)
- prevent policy violation (ecb483b9be, Qiu Jian)
- 避免gcp创建创建文件夹失败 (b805d3495a, Qu Xuan)
- avoid generated codes having duplicate PerformSetScope methods (d834f3331e, Qiu Jian)
- 普通用户可获取rds账号密码 (0ff17ebeff, Qu Xuan)
- gcp fake region status (86251d1ca3, Qu Xuan)
- cloudaccount usage region/zone count not accurate (8d7bc247c9, Qiu Jian)
- gcp use project name for cloudprovider (139b9592c8, Qu Xuan)
- cloud-account/provider usage not accurate (912bf5c699, Qiu Jian)
- proxysetting attributes should be domain-settable (1e81c79adf, Qiu Jian)
- json unmarshal (b48dbbc5c8, Qu Xuan)
- resolve parameter name conflict in google cloud account create input (d4600430a5, Qiu Jian)
- opslog FetchOwnerId fail (1882232b4c, Qiu Jian)
- network allocation according to sharing status (68c03778a2, Qiu Jian)
- GetOnPremiseNetworkOfIP should return underlay networks (2498af7c38, Qiu Jian)
- update README api docs url to v2 (5f4f11bee4, Qiu Jian)
- dns name pattern revisited (61051b843f, Qiu Jian)
- code autogen issues (7ab3a06b46, Qiu Jian)
- 避免rds任务交叉运行 (5754fe90c5, Qu Xuan)
- domain resources' field tags should changed to domain tags (ee42b9c014, Qiu Jian)
- cloudevent 使用代理优化 (cea9cf95b5, Qu Xuan)
- 添加cloudevent过滤参数 (a5b6e894b4, Qu Xuan)
- opslog create fail (1b861a41f9, Qiu Jian)
- clean pending usage caused by pre-validate-create-data (2297c6e963, Qiu Jian)
- FindAnonymousStructPoint needs input as a pointer to struct (ead8825dc2, Qiu Jian)
- lb FetchCustomizedColumes fixes (f82543e236, Qiu Jian)
- 转换非标准存储类型到lrs (0f2e997f6d, Qu Xuan)
- is_managed filter is not accurate (b7b496676e, Qiu Jian)
- esxi: Modify the disk size correctly when creating vm (d710248496, rainzm)
- esxi: Remove 'Destory' operation that is unnecessary for VirtualDiskManager (dae02ec019, rainzm)
- esxi: Set 'IsInit' as true when rebuildroot (2fe738b468, rainzm)
- esxi: Separate detach disk and delete disk when rebuilding. (b6ce495d4f, rainzm)
- esxi: Fix GetDriver and add driver log for vdisk. (81ffd582f6, rainzm)
- esxi: Select correct unitNumber for ide control when creating disk (7c82002903, Rain Zheng)
- esxi: Add usb to support mouse in vnc viewer (874ea4eb4a, rainzm)
- esxi: Allow the creation of duplicate vcenter machines. (60a363a79a, rainzm)
- esxi: Set 'WindowsDefaultAdminUser' as true when deploy vm. (33184357bf, rainzm)
- esxi: Disable automatically add host to the dvs (3530bca49f, rainzm)
- esxi: Detach all disk first when deleting vm (9bb7320771, rainzm)
- host: No tag when tag's value is empty (72716b8d5b, Rain)
- notify: Remove default mobile template (9374c65a8f, rainzm)
- region: Remove default secgroup for esxi guest (cd01258555, rainzm)
- region: Set default value if rootdisk's driver is empty. (45305648d4, rainzm)
- region: Add implements about owner for ScalingPolicy and ScalingActivity (6e9366f569, Rain)
- region: Don't allow address conflicts under vpc (18f5f9cb8c, rainzm)
- region: Fix problems for Auto Scaling (4f27908fff, Rain)
- region: Fix problems for Auto Scaling (7d52e5de80, Rain)
- region: Add CustomizeListFilter for snapshotpolicy (a9b7ca5202, Rain)
- region: zone from guesttemplate's preferzone maybe nil (5ee9698218, rainzm)
Build (3)
- ansibleserver: use native alpine, include openssh (e5dd8efd7a, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: use openvswitch:2.10.4-0 (2353396013, Yousong Zhou)
- add vet-check (8e40ff64f5, Yousong Zhou)
Capability (1)
- public network count filter by default vpc (80ae1b6cde, Zexi Li)
Climc (14)
- refactor k8s resource (a6db3d353c, Zexi Li)
- lbagent-show-default-params: add --cluster option support (333954add9, Yousong Zhou)
- add command lbagent-show-default-params (e8b6803525, Yousong Zhou)
- lb-update: add --cluster argument (1a308442c5, Yousong Zhou)
- lbcluster-create: mark --zone as required (74e19af514, Yousong Zhou)
- lblistener-create: make --scheduler an optional arg (ea8cd6d7e9, Yousong Zhou)
- shell: networks: add eip to server type choices (eaa16f3335, Yousong Zhou)
- eip-create: make manager, region optional arguments (56c89ed577, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcs: add --external-access-mode argument (a0b39cc7b2, Yousong Zhou)
- update k8s resource cmd (9f0df58c95, Zexi Li)
- k8s component add monitor options (8df1559162, Zexi Li)
- remove stale zsh completion code (16adec3a5b, Zexi Li)
- add k8s monitor component (90618466b2, Zexi Li)
- support zsh completion (e884f4b6f0, Zexi Li)
Cloudaccounts (1)
- one sync task in queue per cloudaccount (8f5c65b923, Yousong Zhou)
Cloudcommon (11)
- taskman: fix table insert (986878289e, Yousong Zhou)
- tablespec: informer: use %#v to log bad obj (60293ef052, Yousong Zhou)
- taskman: SetModelManager (db9789c868, Yousong Zhou)
- tablespec: informer: log obj type (2f79c99dc7, Yousong Zhou)
- policy: fix interval and oneshot sync (aeba29c4b3, Yousong Zhou)
- app: cosmetic change (28e83a3125, Yousong Zhou)
- cmdline: rework test (2a32627b55, Yousong Zhou)
- expose ITableSpec function (10603b4f64, Zexi Li)
- rbac: fix typo (5499f35090, Yousong Zhou)
- elect: notifyOne on subscribe (d845700cac, Yousong Zhou)
- allow create:"domain" tag (14389667a4, Yousong Zhou)
Cloudprovider (2)
- fix typo (ef695acae0, Yousong Zhou)
- add methods for getting http client (a9061e5453, Yousong Zhou)
Disks (1)
- reword error message on bad DiskConfig struct (749fd878bc, Yousong Zhou)
Dnsrecords (2)
- allow updating only description (2f056b9ef0, Yousong Zhou)
- note that DnsRecordManager is a IAdminSharableVirtualModelManager (06abfccbbc, Yousong Zhou)
Elasticips (7)
- onecloud: support changing bandwidth (df3c337bf6, Yousong Zhou)
- list usable eips for onecloud kvm guests (2390e352f8, Yousong Zhou)
- onecloud: support sync and syncstatus (18fe12a4a7, Yousong Zhou)
- onecloud: create op (3254646244, Yousong Zhou)
- onecloud: delete op for non-managed eip (fa833e6948, Yousong Zhou)
- make manager, region arguments optional (8e1b6ded3e, Yousong Zhou)
- only create eip of mode elastic_ip (0bf41caa36, Yousong Zhou)
Feature (9)
- project filter that list jointable projects for user or group (b49272eb35, Qiu Jian)
- CloudId服务支持 (a07b112be1, Qu Xuan)
- allow enable/disable idp-synced-users 2. turn off user's MFA by default (2cf49c37dc, Qiu Jian)
- add functime get lastest last start time of a billing duration (81b6a766a9, Qiu Jian)
- user login into project with highest privilege automatically (c209fdd97d, Qiu Jian)
- reorganize climc codes (1843ba334d, Qiu Jian)
- decouple metadata resource and standalone resource (722498bf9e, Qiu Jian)
- make baremetal options managed by service config (ee9289c231, Qiu Jian)
- climc support auth by token (7de51b9d70, Qiu Jian)
Features (16)
- Logo and copyright in verify email are same with these in company info (156ef6bd2e, rainzm)
- Supports disabling of feishu and dingtalk notification (f73bcf8ad1, rainzm)
- Add 'ScheduledTaskQueueSize' options (3ea4beeb8e, rainzm)
- Add climc command for ScheduledTask and ScheduledTaskActivity (2b7bd7a123, rainzm)
- Support vm to save server template (1265e5d1e9, rainzm)
- Add handers and table for ScheduledTask... (d6c5c29c62, rainzm)
- Support suggest network config before create vmware cloud account (14f324ea4a, rainzm)
- Add ScheduledTask, ScheduledTaskActivity and ScheduledTaskLabel (058cc4fdce, rainzm)
- Detach ScheduledTask when pending delete guest (8d30ef0ad9, rainzm)
- Extract STimer from SScalingTimer (8a2e23fd45, rainzm)
- notify: Support 'socpe:domain' when list contacts (cfcaa50e22, rainzm)
- notify: Change the format of verify email (c706cfa272, rainzm)
- region: Check periodically whether Guest Template is valid (f9b7c7e571, rainzm)
- region: Structured diskinfo and add 'Id', 'Name' field (8c4b025dc3, Rain)
- region: Add 'EipAutoDellocate' option when creating vm (7271544618, Rain)
- scheduler: Change the action for guests with backup and instanceGroup (2a0c16c6f3, rainzm)
Guestdrivers (3)
- rework test (e27a12ec61, Yousong Zhou)
- kvm: eip associate (8b82d67b6d, Yousong Zhou)
- managed: use const api.EIP_STATUS_ASSOCIATE (df2d98d8c2, Yousong Zhou)
Guestnetworks (5)
- reduce odds of collision seeded by epoch seconds (173448ee43, Yousong Zhou)
- use math/rand instead of crypto/rand (6a63aa9429, Yousong Zhou)
- add EipId field (ff6e3e2367, Yousong Zhou)
- try allocation of mapped addr on sync (06ea1b1706, Yousong Zhou)
- add vpc id and mapped ip addr info to nic desc (9990ad3bcc, Yousong Zhou)
Guests (6)
- guests with vpc nics are available for eip association (2270704c4f, Yousong Zhou)
- support server-create-eip for onecloud guests and eip (7e02808c86, Yousong Zhou)
- list usable guests for specified eip (df4d80fbd9, Yousong Zhou)
- include vpc, network info in guest nics list (b29c4b3869, Yousong Zhou)
- simplify code (64f269ac2f, Yousong Zhou)
- always include host_id in desc (ff2686689c, Yousong Zhou)
Hostman (9)
- options: add option --ovn-underlay-mtu (d714e450fb, Yousong Zhou)
- options: add option --sdn-pid-file (61659d7b28, Yousong Zhou)
- options: knobs for enabling features in sdnagent (25d05899d4, Yousong Zhou)
- options: remove k8s_cluster_cidr (68b7ecf83a, Yousong Zhou)
- options: fix default value spec (cbe5ef4161, Yousong Zhou)
- options: pack up a Parse() func (0e16bf8ff4, Yousong Zhou)
- let sdnagent do port cleanup (f05e16bd1b, Yousong Zhou)
- options: add ovn_mapped_bridge (279e68ae09, Yousong Zhou)
- options: add allow_xx_vms (5acbec4529, Yousong Zhou)
Hotfix (1)
- vpc change owners with wire (c97e2ab1c2, Qiu Jian)
Informer (1)
- do not inform if backend not init (7c61e9662e, Zexi Li)
Iproute2 (4)
- address: make Exact idempotent (4b6d385e1a, Yousong Zhou)
- route: add del funcs (91defab40f, Yousong Zhou)
- errors: add IsErrSrch() (6900393095, Yousong Zhou)
- route: prepare for route del (a5c253e129, Yousong Zhou)
Keystone (3)
- passwords: SetModelManager (f1dfcd5e06, Yousong Zhou)
- config: SetModelManager for whitelisted config (7d47ac4dd7, Yousong Zhou)
- fix db not sync (9a6065fbf2, Zexi Li)
Lb (4)
- include cluster name info in details (5f49670e18, Yousong Zhou)
- onecloud: allow empty string for redirect_{scheme,host,path} (3fe10a7383, Yousong Zhou)
- onecloud: disallow creating lb with vpc network (ce741a24cd, Yousong Zhou)
- allow update cluster_id with PUT request (5395210873, Yousong Zhou)
Lbagent (6)
- default-params: default vrrp params from peer lbagents (71e9f99b65, Yousong Zhou)
- new API: GET /loadbalanceragents/default-params (2b98f75c75, Yousong Zhou)
- fix condition for "nothing to serve" (3ae45d55eb, Yousong Zhou)
- standalone rate control between listener and its rules (7e2273bfbf, Yousong Zhou)
- decouple rule redirect from listener redirect (3d58d51abe, Yousong Zhou)
- fend off unexpected resources just in case (7f982d5b29, Yousong Zhou)
Lbagents (2)
- add check on vrrp.advert_int (258aba2504, Yousong Zhou)
- params: add needsUpdatePeer() and updateBy() methods (57e29330be, Yousong Zhou)
Lbbackend (2)
- kvm: allow adding 'host',"ip" backend type (b6110fd3a1, Yousong Zhou)
- ValidateCreateLoadbalancerBackendData: use httperrors (97c5afda57, Yousong Zhou)
Lbbackends (1)
- allow backends of the same region (vs. zone) (1dc312303c, Yousong Zhou)
Lblistener (5)
- rename filter name certificate{,_id} (0f953b8b23, Yousong Zhou)
- allow turning on/off redirect (471755103d, Yousong Zhou)
- redirect: try avoid endless redirect (d3313eba42, Yousong Zhou)
- make scheduler an optional arg on creation (473932311b, Yousong Zhou)
- fix updating lblistener without backend_group field (1224cd819f, Yousong Zhou)
Lblistenerrule (3)
- allow turning on/off redirect (856310331f, Yousong Zhou)
- redirect: try avoid endless redirect (2cd6c85882, Yousong Zhou)
- allow creation even for redirect listener (d55af7af26, Yousong Zhou)
Lblisteners (4)
- remove unused acl_name field (5833f1a905, Yousong Zhou)
- list: show acl name (04abe448f1, Yousong Zhou)
- list: show certificate name (ab71f5e6c6, Yousong Zhou)
- list: filter with certificate ids (07ae9c12ed, Yousong Zhou)
Mcclient (5)
- options: loadbalanceragents: yum as the default deploy method (5218f8aab3, Yousong Zhou)
- lb: allow empty string as arg for --redirect-{scheme,host,path} (0038848609, Yousong Zhou)
- options: lb: arg rename cluster{,_id} (b4ce651094, Yousong Zhou)
- options: add EmptyOption (d4416f614f, Yousong Zhou)
- options: remove implied details=true for pending_delete=all (9a47116a1d, Yousong Zhou)
Monitor (2)
- reduce subscription mysql usage (de889ec6cc, Zexi Li)
- refactor suggest code (995e5859ef, Zexi Li)
Multicloud (4)
- speed up objectstore test (d4f54af5ad, Yousong Zhou)
- huawei: rework responses_test (0208314075, Yousong Zhou)
- loader: guard against changing proxyFunc of default client (e711ae7648, Yousong Zhou)
- avoid changing transport of global default http client (fd3c9e5cd8, Yousong Zhou)
Networks (7)
- validate that start, end, gateway ip are in the same subnet (0280b6aa5e, Yousong Zhou)
- validateUpdateData: eliminate intermediate vars (f4a001ad65, Yousong Zhou)
- decrease indent (927cbd4156, Yousong Zhou)
- sep check of masklen only for start,end type creation (f27e177274, Yousong Zhou)
- create eip network only in default vpc (7720380244, Yousong Zhou)
- return HTTP 404 for sql.ErrNoRows (72c23e8776, Yousong Zhou)
- eliminate a variable (1d78510fab, Yousong Zhou)
Opslog (4)
- remove unneeded nil check (4bbf7c0484, Yousong Zhou)
- group literal fields (50449ca014, Yousong Zhou)
- readability change (fbc48c792b, Yousong Zhou)
- LogEvent: set model manager (be46546ba5, Yousong Zhou)
Opt (1)
- scheduler: better sort for hosts when selectHost (49b0a01b08, rainzm)
Optimized (1)
- 支持ip和端口过滤安全组 (f12192f1c4, Qu Xuan)
Others (199)
- update apis generate model (042cd597f6, Zexi Li)
- fix reauth condition on influxdb not found (#7457) (8172a551bb, wanyaoqi)
- fix cache non lvm disks (#7460) (381a2796ba, wanyaoqi)
- aws elb listener&rule name too long fix (38e02db07f, tangbin)
- fix redis reset account password action log (bb500edc81, tangbin)
- loadblancer listener modify name fix (d9488f552e, tangbin)
- fix deploy admin auth key (7ad7774f80, wanyaoqi)
- fix panic on storage failed get host (#7391) (a2d562ccaa, wanyaoqi)
- adjust schedule resource condition width (7103f4e716, Zexi Li)
- fix schedtag list output (2ac39e704a, wanyaoqi)
- Add metadata for GuestTempalte details (a66ba3f391, rainzm)
- Add network info when list scalingGroup details (02b30326fd, rainzm)
- 修改报警消息模版: (6193221764, zhaoxiangchun)
- 修复统一报警bug (bb66e2d197, zhaoxiangchun)
- go fmt (92fbc44b6d, tangbin)
- go fmt (d93edbe427, tangbin)
- host upload template check (a4d89b1f6c, tangbin)
- huawei fetch regions&projects fix (5255df021e, tangbin)
- rename vgname centos (7ef340fb68, wanyaoqi)
- fix clone clean pending usage (a329cd536b, wanyaoqi)
- capabilites add available host count (32b36ee10e, wanyaoqi)
- fix snapshot clean pending usage (2c27db42c2, wanyaoqi)
- add precheck for perform action (ec933e4805, wanyaoqi)
- format fix (2ff5d2aaf4, tangbin)
- fix empty else (b5aceb67f9, tangbin)
- fix host import (2794c84ac0, tangbin)
- fix huawei delete resource (ce9646f9e9, tangbin)
- fix huawei elb disable healthcheck (be8da39ce1, tangbin)
- lb sync project fix (dacc8adce1, tangbin)
- add more log (b79c410b0e, tangbin)
- apigateway host imports data validate (b5754d2e3d, tangbin)
- fix GetOrCreateVpcForClassicNetwork (f9c4221125, tangbin)
- huawei eip delete fix (fdcaa1c8e7, tangbin)
- 修复监控报警规则删除的问题 (c65fc0f1dc, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix error output (18bae18498, wanyaoqi)
- acl delete condition fix (3e5eceeefa, tangbin)
- fix server sync status (0e617ec137, wanyaoqi)
- sync classic redis fix (30aa75e047, tangbin)
- add params auto_migrate_on_host_down (b806e536f1, wanyaoqi)
- misc ha guest fix (65408519ae, wanyaoqi)
- disable procutils print error info (4831aee2dc, wanyaoqi)
- fix list guests on host (f09eb6690d, wanyaoqi)
- cloudprovider usable filter with zone (26757cb8d8, tangbin)
- fix guest template health check (550883197f, rainzm)
- remove informer code for release/3.3 (a365a0f459, Zexi Li)
- user batch register bugfix (b52eb8491c, tangbin)
- vendor update: update jsonutils (d335c570c6, wanyaoqi)
- fix local storage init local man (fe472cbf49, wanyaoqi)
- misc fix (5070775cd3, wanyaoqi)
- fix set storage info bind mount (18a023f2fb, wanyaoqi)
- update vendor (13f44debcd, tangbin)
- Update docker image onecloud-base and its references (eb7b055ca2, rainzm)
- 增加influxdb的tag 的一些filter (5db35871eb, zhaoxiangchun)
- Update Dockerfile.ansibleserver (69a4b12724, rainzm)
- bind mount nfs storage path (5db73a6670, wanyaoqi)
- cluster_d required->optional (87cf251d2d, tangbin)
- copyright api update (a3245195ab, tangbin)
- fix the bug introduced in #6643 (9685684876, rainzm)
- update jsonutils (b4884e3dde, rainzm)
- fix deploy backup server order (207cd93fe0, wanyaoqi)
- add server pending deleted for host details (8751082487, wanyaoqi)
- include system usage (89ec83fec3, wanyaoqi)
- server name enable upper case (6f20638f8b, wanyaoqi)
- fix get storage capabilities with null field (615fe1da8b, wanyaoqi)
- disable dhclient (9a6c26de1c, wanyaoqi)
- Modify alert structure and inherit scoperesource (f20a87a5db, zhaoxiangchun)
- 统一报警模块 (6c66185bd8, zhaoxiangchun)
- ignore common etcd endpoint not found error (e9da1022b9, Zexi Li)
- support filter by cloudaccounts (561d7b0cca, wanyaoqi)
- fix reserved ip export keys (6af753c819, wanyaoqi)
- replace err with errors.cause (6b8e37c88f, tangbin)
- shuzhou to suzhou (8514e19102, tangbin)
- rds postpaid instance create fix (6ecebc5f2b, tangbin)
- fix cpu usage metrics (25310ed922, wanyaoqi)
- configureable reload telegraf config (714b87aa39, wanyaoqi)
- scripts/coverage.sh: ignore packages without test files (200029dfd2, Yousong Zhou)
- .circleci: run tests parallelly (bf1b1f48b0, Yousong Zhou)
- fix windows install regedit record (9372a7b9c4, wanyaoqi)
- fix host set reserved resource func name (413d292c22, wanyaoqi)
- fix informer worker heap large usage (cc5f731fc3, Zexi Li)
- fix the tag filter and result record for scheduledtask (5f2a91f2af, rainzm)
- fix host list servers filter (1b055f24a9, wanyaoqi)
- Add 'trigger' for ScheduledTask (8a69558c86, rainzm)
- refactor ITableSpec signature with context (9f4d4a450e, Zexi Li)
- image support generate name (a3043520ec, wanyaoqi)
- 修改框架查询influxdb的时间单位 (86e687015f, zhaoxiangchun)
- climc:allow disable term line width (0a0af5cfa2, root)
- cancel condition release (7e95750408, tangbin)
- ctyun sync host wire fix (f58a9305e5, tangbin)
- bind mount local image path to container path (8e4668213e, wanyaoqi)
- isolated device manager: (44cbdd07a3, wanyaoqi)
- add-enterprise-info-update-climc (bb808bd8aa, tangbin)
- 监控数据查询增加对任意时间范围的支持 (ecd4a94079, zhaoxiangchun)
- 统一监控接口 (3f63e4737a, zhaoxiangchun)
- get snapshots order by created at asc (6e0f4a4947, wanyaoqi)
- implement generic service informer (95a58cc606, Zexi Li)
- 在优化建议资源列表中增加费用信息 (585385f0cb, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix migrate with multi local storage (4d404e09d0, wanyaoqi)
- redis&rds add postpaid duration (346d558505, tangbin)
- declear variable and define (8fde0c62a4, wanyaoqi)
- 修复优化建议资源列表cloudenv过滤失效的问题 (00fb77e0c0, zhaoxiangchun)
- 类型是onecloud的notifier增加webconsole的alert (0a7b381cf6, zhaoxiangchun)
- clean network scripts on init (73297de60c, wanyaoqi)
- host storage misc fix: (690a5f2fca, wanyaoqi)
- .circleci: run with parallel level 3 (e80c938bad, Yousong Zhou)
- fix host name validator (ec2cb3113b, wanyaoqi)
- fix remotefile fetch image propertites (810de8a7ea, wanyaoqi)
- isolated device add attribute reserved resource (91ff1d7d84, wanyaoqi)
- zstack宿主机监控中增加参数信息进行Unmarshal (47cac3c7be, zhaoxiangchun)
- update for doc-gen (8a77030823, Qiu Jian)
- Fix the problem of field duplication when exporting fields (849628fe91, rainzm)
- aws lbbg cache bugfix (d99ec57710, tangbin)
- fix list disk attachable servers (df2e05b5b6, wanyaoqi)
- bugfix-优化建议 (c8a0d77364, zhaoxiangchun)
- 优化建议增加时间筛选范围 (42ed0b1c5a, zhaoxiangchun)
- 修复当prestate=alerting,newstate=alerting的情况无法触发notify的问题 (4a784c1d7f, zhaoxiangchun)
- Kill processes in time & Add debug info (ff2fc74401, rainzm)
- image cache use lockman (127bd0ff17, wanyaoqi)
- add sys usage (844b865e2e, wanyaoqi)
- README.md: use travis-ci.com as badge target link (ea373821d2, Yousong Zhou)
- redis&dbinstance add clean expired postpaids resources (0029b25f9a, tangbin)
- host convert inject dockerd config (04b4e5713e, Zexi Li)
- add fuzzy ip matching (f602979a23, tangbin)
- sync storage shared info when syncing local storage (14abf05cf4, Qiu Jian)
- update lisDescendent scope params (6037f15145, Qiu Jian)
- 根据调度标签过滤网络和存储资源 (888a5463ab, Qu Xuan)
- 可根据代理过滤云账号 (6ea25e6fcc, Qu Xuan)
- 修复无法获取vmware宿主机监控数据的问题 (6ffb3653ae, zhaoxiangchun)
- update vendor (d98b2b4053, rainzm)
- modify the logic of queryCondition save the evalMatch (387880164c, zhaoxiangchun)
- allow delete paramter config (cbe5e88907, tangbin)
- 修改规则执行时间 (e8a61b0352, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix esxi disk disconnect (a5d2651fbf, wanyaoqi)
- remove statefile in start script (0fe396d5c1, wanyaoqi)
- clear yunionauth cookie (75328cf081, tangbin)
- 基于监控数据的优化建议 (cc3f5ed196, zhaoxiangchun)
- 在monitor的package中新增influxdb相关的功能 (6251d2da3f, zhaoxiangchun)
- do not close worker chan (7bcedd41e8, wanyaoqi)
- detect bmagent and hostagent service (108613bd32, Qiu Jian)
- guest set login account (8144d2d2fb, wanyaoqi)
- fix import from libvirt (1ba2d92e66, wanyaoqi)
- huawei network id fix (002a618e79, tangbin)
- new local lb backend fix (8c06b50ed9, tangbin)
- feat/ansibleserver: Install git in Dockerfile.ansibleserver-base (1fbfc7f220, Rain)
- feat/ansible_pb: Add climc operator for ansibleplaybooks_v2 (cf514364eb, Rain)
- feat/ansible_pb: Add IncludeRole implments 'ITask' in pkg/util/ansiblev2 (faf32415fa, Rain)
- lb acl cache add acl filter (4882a6bb2b, tangbin)
- bm register use domain token (4f23ffb901, wanyaoqi)
- set cookie domain (f25bbee903, tangbin)
- feat/ansible_pb: Add support for requirements (331ba9bb37, Rain)
- 修复规则无法禁用的问题 (cb13b2241c, zhaoxiangchun)
- bugfix mem paginate (d874b52b0c, zhaoxiangchun)
- set host list scope system (6779db23f3, wanyaoqi)
- apigateway-yunionauth-domain-setting (4e9264cb22, tangbin)
- 修复谷歌监控无法获取的问题 (d4531972dd, zhaoxiangchun)
- support custom service url (26780e2c8b, wanyaoqi)
- bugfix mem paginate (7c0d704148, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix host init without etcd (9652c97dce, wanyaoqi)
- fix host details output (db2d02fe00, wanyaoqi)
- fix update input (7353622d23, wanyaoqi)
- fix host health (d727248929, wanyaoqi)
- fix/monitor: AutoScalingNotifier.ShouldNotify should call NotifierBase.ShouldNotify (e67effaf3f, Rain)
- add cookie domain setting option (849d1d6699, tangbin)
- monitor,对于监控数据nodata,默认不发送邮件 (e81334c0a7, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix/as: Set ScalingPolicy's project as its ScalingGroup's project (352e912c29, Rain)
- enable etcd lock (5158a509ee, wanyaoqi)
- host health check (38c1c70a27, wanyaoqi)
- gpu host enable huge page (98377116f3, wanyaoqi)
- fix/autoscaling: Chang the format of CoolingTime (be5c539e94, Rain)
- fix exsi convert disk path (9c4d3c62b3, wanyaoqi)
- fix/notify: remove 'v2' from email verify url (9aa132cf37, Rain)
- fix/notify: Add deadline for rpc client (e1c63729d9, Rain)
- host health check (af6c6fee88, wanyaoqi)
- yunionapi reset password fix (32e4ae98ca, tangbin)
- fix/autoscaling: Change Sunday as 7 from 0 (09d7aaf392, Rain)
- fix/guesttemplate: Change ResetPassword as true default (203bdb2dfb, Rain)
- fix/autoscaling: fix some problem (4d8e0ba1b4, Rain)
- host fix cmt bound, minor fix (b05d22834f, wanyaoqi)
- aws elb health check type fix (7b6f45789b, tangbin)
- huawei elb cookie timeout fix (b62727ae05, tangbin)
- ctyun subnet create bugfix (8618be1fd2, tangbin)
- misc bugfix: (9a7c7623cd, wanyaoqi)
- make DIRECT proxysettting default share to system (6faa4d91a1, Qiu Jian)
- lb 负载均衡优化建议 (fc05c2d0e9, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix/autoscaling: Add 'scaling_group_id' for server-list result (16226becf7, Rain)
- fix/autoscaling: Add status 'pending_remove' for ScalingGroup_Guest (32280e2145, Rain)
- guestnetworks,hosts: add alloc mapped ip addr for use in onecloud vpc (3142957f5b, Yousong Zhou)
- fix/autoscaling: Change ScalingPolicy as VirtualResource (39d5603af8, Rain)
- fix/autoscaling: Use UserCred's session but AdminSession to request monitor (acb4d1cabe, Rain)
- aliyun create elb listener fix (a06f7e7b50, tangbin)
- supermicro redfish support (98cec09a63, Qiu Jian)
- fix check ca cert (cf0cf484ae, wanyaoqi)
- support sync disk snapshot status (54596fc429, wanyaoqi)
- huawei elb sync vpc (bd0a8f709b, tangbin)
- remove aws invalid backendgroup (674764208c, tangbin)
- keystone store service cert (b682e1b44e, wanyaoqi)
- VMware resource pool同步 (1ef9a481c3, Qu Xuan)
- 优化邮件格式 (6c3daec4ce, zhaoxiangchun)
- lblis & lbbg & lbr & lbb create add fetch owner id (c977fd02ce, tangbin)
Region (15)
- schedtag list support resource_types (65562c25f5, Zexi Li)
- lbagents: skip tls check for default influxdb endpoint url (7f7aef031a, Yousong Zhou)
- lbagents: turn off guest src check (f30b191d05, Yousong Zhou)
- loadbalanceragents: yum as the default method (4a0d019b6e, Yousong Zhou)
- retry set influxdb policy until completed (8e51f627a6, Zexi Li)
- fix get resource details panic (0b70491ea0, Zexi Li)
- fix server create params not include specified resource (4713312b32, Zexi Li)
- fix baremetal can't enable public baremetal type network (80a405a8a0, Zexi Li)
- server create prefer resource fetch by name or id (536be2ead7, Zexi Li)
- guests: include secgroup ids in listing (e8cbaee904, Yousong Zhou)
- lbagent: undeploy: make it idempotent (f226d342e1, Yousong Zhou)
- lbagents: fix deleting pending_deleted objects (f890b2b180, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudaccounts: re-validate only when proxysetting changed (d716405eb9, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcs_mapped_address: fix locking (25d1c36932, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcs_mapped_address: alloc guestnic mapped addr backwards (138b596ec4, Yousong Zhou)
Scheduler (7)
- fix storage filter duplicate error message (d6b1fa02d8, Zexi Li)
- fix memory over committed (d8d6e8c5b5, Zexi Li)
- fix min counter get count not correct (db65bf4ef0, Zexi Li)
- filter disabled cloudprovider (2e93072691, Zexi Li)
- set schedtag default strategy if input empty (e00b1fdc3b, Zexi Li)
- get region nil panic (d049ac936e, Zexi Li)
- fix network predicate get wrong free port (f39c829595, Zexi Li)
Sysutils (1)
- rework test (458bd0c7f7, Yousong Zhou)
Tasks (2)
- onecloud: support disassociate eip (74920a37e1, Yousong Zhou)
- EipDissociateTask: lock associated model (02ea7b4628, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (7)
- update yunion.io/x/structarg (4ce404dd8d, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/{jsonutils.pkg} (a2fda726d1, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/sqlchemy (2e687997ae, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/ovsdb (5ad06097c1, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/ovsdb (4f68026b84, Yousong Zhou)
- import yunion.io/x/ovsdb (7c3d9d7f89, Yousong Zhou)
- tidy and vendoring (ffadb30c63, Yousong Zhou)
Vet (5)
- composite literal uses unkeyed fields (fb26b0c389, Yousong Zhou)
- bad syntax for struct tag value (d25f92af8b, Yousong Zhou)
- pairs not separated by spaces (b99157f646, Yousong Zhou)
- bad syntax for struct tag pair (c18d347b0c, Yousong Zhou)
- unreachable code (85d238cb5a, Yousong Zhou)
Vpcagent (55)
- ClaimVpcGuestDnsRecords: guard against pending_deleted guests (821283952d, Yousong Zhou)
- different direction for l3 and l4 match (97251c7cc9, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: claim dnsrecords for all vpcs (ba0e41d995, Yousong Zhou)
- models: include dnsrecords (583718014c, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: dns records for guest names (88095c6d82, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: mark and sweep dns records (d51791396f, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: apply qos on eip (e442e7a259, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: apply guestnetwork bw_limit (4b44f21abf, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: use FindXxxReferrer_yyy (4b299846de, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: set underlay mtu size in config file (2841e245e2, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: mix eipgw and distgw (83a44ce94c, Yousong Zhou)
- models: include elasticip (822ba58756, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: add and use mac.HashVpcHostDistgwMac() (22090a3790, Yousong Zhou)
- models: separate Copy() and CopyJoined() (146ab44fbd, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: use CopyJoined() (cb27b18052, Yousong Zhou)
- models: add CopyJoined() (c4b3084896, Yousong Zhou)
- remove unused code (8873c8905e, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: use its own options (230f004f36, Yousong Zhou)
- models: remove now boilerplate code (3e09d4920b, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: add interface IModelSetListOptionProvider (c7fee7c760, Yousong Zhou)
- models: modelset: details=false for networks (f5360264fe, Yousong Zhou)
- models: include wires (3a51985fcd, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: preparation: skip default vpc (5fdd534f74, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: preparation: use network.Vpc.Id (a7a3beae27, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: use IModelSet.IncludeEmulated() (e0349f92b7, Yousong Zhou)
- models: modelset: add IncludeEmulated() method (5bf45ad65c, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: use IModelSet.IncludeDetails() (39a19d1c68, Yousong Zhou)
- models: modelset: add IncludeDetails() method (2a0cac9d49, Yousong Zhou)
- ovnutil: destroy non root obj first (4d54972a9a, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: cmp: generate clean args in a single batch (6d788e052a, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: use db.FindOneMatchByAnyIndex (4962bdc7e1, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: configure acl for lport (579641a268, Yousong Zhou)
- ovnutil: OvnNbctlArgsDestroy: take into account ACL (53f3546125, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: secgrouprules_acl (9f4daafee2, Yousong Zhou)
- models: sort security group rules (1abdb4f136, Yousong Zhou)
- models: include secgroup and rules (7ba46e9289, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: do not set details=true by default (f33a2e1770, Yousong Zhou)
- ovnutil: remove old generated code (654845fd49, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: use yunion.io/x/ovsdb (cae9594da9, Yousong Zhou)
- ignore possible external subnets (218df2416c, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: explicitly include gateway route in classless routes (5caaccd43f, Yousong Zhou)
- models: ignore possible external guests (4496a7bbcb, Yousong Zhou)
- ad-hoc replacement for db.FindByIndex() (503735ebf5, Yousong Zhou)
- models: allow guest to have multiple vpc nics (09cc38f962, Yousong Zhou)
- work around nics of pending deleted guest (11835889c0, Yousong Zhou)
- fend off non-onecloud-vpc guest nics (16ced399a5, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: use network.GuestDns when available (d2c0ba4d5a, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: manage static routes (05c38c8130, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: guestnetwork: guard against empty dhcpopt (0578d6c498, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: rename subnet, guestnetwork ovn obj names (1c50ffb216, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: use cmp() when claimVpc (38354229b8, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: use cmp() (d8e419cfae, Yousong Zhou)
- add cmp() for search and pre-cleanup (4d3eba9bac, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: make host ls when claimVpc (e6bb3397d1, Yousong Zhou)
- models: include guest, host (e4ad3f4194, Yousong Zhou)
Vpcs (1)
- add ExternalAccessMode field (eebd15e0d5, Yousong Zhou)
Webconsole (2)
- fix old session make new session closed (37ee6f8446, Zexi Li)
- fix version and others handler not handle (e56152aa48, Zexi Li)
Wires (1)
- default to "default" vpc on creation (d83a7dade5, Yousong Zhou)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
64 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.3.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (5)
- apigateway totp should default on (0520f4e3, Qiu Jian)
- member policy requires member role (3d857385, Qiu Jian)
- Change
type from 'int' to '*int' (0cc29968, rainzm) - Change api prefix '/api/v1' as 'api/v1' (5fcceb28, rainzm)
- change command of init container for oso (019c5b04, rainzm)
Defaults (1)
- using openvswitch image of tag 2.10.4-0 (cbbaa01b, Yousong Zhou)
Feature (1)
Features (1)
Host (1)
- tell sdnagent to use common.conf (a260f9c6, Yousong Zhou)
Itsm (1)
Others (52)
- 调整统一监控 系统报警规则的注入配置 (7dc82663, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix etcd member count (8f5c7b59, wanyaoqi)
- recreate pods on pvc not local path (03b924ea, wanyaoqi)
- 修复系统报警规则重复创建的问题 (6576384e, zhaoxiangchun)
- fix set pvc name (821875d7, wanyaoqi)
- fix glance pvc name (54bffdaf, wanyaoqi)
- update vendor for release/3.3 (0d99429d, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon deployment increase [rds redis oss] monitor information collectiona (5dbf86e9, zhaoxiangchun)
- add check if cronjob exist (5862b3be, wanyaoqi)
- service etcd client disable unready client (052dca4b, wanyaoqi)
- cloudmon as deployment (d5f78cdf, wanyaoqi)
- host image component set default toleration (6f564a2b, wanyaoqi)
- check etcd dbsize, do compact and defrag (9ec773cd, wanyaoqi)
- system alert init info create in operator (61f9c090, zhaoxiangchun)
- host image as daemonset (dcf72994, wanyaoqi)
- fix etcd defrag (e9474449, wanyaoqi)
- add daemonset telegraf (78e082eb, wanyaoqi)
- telegraf init tool (ca581410, wanyaoqi)
- fix:优化manifest example (4c7e1fe9, lvyangyang)
- new pvc name with storage class (6b300f5c, wanyaoqi)
- itsm endpoint注册为http请求 (14fcbe18, zhaoxiangchun)
- not register azure classic host data (e345786d, Zexi Li)
- operator增加itsm服务 (9739e8a4, zhaoxiangchun)
- remove put/del key on liveness probe (ffdf0ebb, wanyaoqi)
- set cronjob default attributes (292f37ab, Zexi Li)
- etcd cluster default use version 3.4.6 (2b293d63, wanyaoqi)
- bugfix:宿主机监控没有默认值注入的函数 (e48997d5, zhaoxiangchun)
- etcd operator fix (f71a98e0, wanyaoqi)
- fix etcd liveness probe (a7d57db3, wanyaoqi)
- first create policy (5eae9485, wanyaoqi)
- add max wal file (cfc762a1, wanyaoqi)
- fix etcd arguments (d6616769, wanyaoqi)
- 增加宿主机的监控查询的cronjob (011ae7d7, zhaoxiangchun)
- report-server 监控间隔调整 (fba6be1b, zhaoxiangchun)
- 修改reportserver cronjob采集监控数据的间隔 (fb885680, zhaoxiangchun)
- set keystone url (2bd2d63a, wanyaoqi)
- kubeserver add service account (4cbff0ab, Zexi Li)
- onecloud culster fix: (8a617509, wanyaoqi)
- mount etcd tls (6391bf8d, wanyaoqi)
- web nginx config (06493234, Zexi Li)
- fix api_server url (8bc9f6cf, wanyaoqi)
- fix cronjob update (28ca0af7, wanyaoqi)
- etcd use tempfs (23c8a3e9, wanyaoqi)
- adjust web nginx config (b770851c, Zexi Li)
- create etcd service (91b75cc5, wanyaoqi)
- do not always sync configmap (437091a0, wanyaoqi)
- create etcd service (00127da8, wanyaoqi)
- etcd tls endpoint (69f02e34, wanyaoqi)
- create etcd cluster (e25a2f7f, wanyaoqi)
- 添加cronjob StartingDeadlineSeconds 参数 (daed9d92, zhaoxiangchun)
- add sockio web location (a0b437e9, Zexi Li)
Web (1)
Yunionagent (1)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator
36 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.3.0 since this release.
Code Refactoring (1)
Features (3)
- init docs (1b18737, rainzm)
- Change field of IntOrStringStore (655cf96, rainzm)
- Normalize options & Add 'dense' options (6ec0326, rainzm)
Others (32)
- Add Endpoint document (3696dc6, rainzm)
- Add CRD Endpoint (8e7de75, rainzm)
- support yaml string (e1ac25c, rainzm)
- fix about field reference (1341f22, rainzm)
- fix the reference of option's field (368fcf2, rainzm)
- update README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md (2bdd574, rainzm)
- modify Dockerfile (454c20c, rainzm)
- Modify the code structure in the pkg directory (0c4466a, rainzm)
- Add README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md (01cff42, rainzm)
- modify the image name in Makefile (2fd0ec9, rainzm)
- add LICENSE (4c79f85, rainzm)
- modify copyright (758336b, rainzm)
- Reduce the dependence on executing 'make image' (a235dba, rainzm)
- change module name: onecloud-resource-operator=>onecloud-service-operator (d4a574e, rainzm)
- remove 'MetricsAddr' and add 'WebhookPort' for Options (6b58d3c, rainzm)
- Modify Makefile and Dockerfile for vendor (b1885e7, rainzm)
- init vendor (be4e55a, rainzm)
- change module name: onecloud-service-operator=>onecloud-resource-operator (6baefaa, rainzm)
- Modify Dockerfile and Makefile (4a14009, rainzm)
- Adjust the project's directory structure (958333e, rainzm)
- Improve value abstraction (8abac21, rainzm)
- fix some problem in provider/virtualmachine.go (8b812fb, rainzm)
- Set the ansible_user as 'cloudroot' when hypervisor is not 'kvm' (6b12bdc, rainzm)
- fix IsServerErr: code '500' is also ServerErr (403c3bc, rainzm)
- Modify the json desc about 'Bw' in VMNewEipSpec (c794687, rainzm)
- fix some comment (29ce124, rainzm)
- fix 'dealErr' and update Dockerfile, kustomization.yaml (6c0c072, rainzm)
- clear external ansibleplaybook which is finished (dbe77e4, rainzm)
- fix and update (7f60c79, rainzm)
- change module name 'onecloud-service-operator' to 'yunion.io/x/onecloud-service-operator' (2430e12, rainzm)
- fix and update (45c9033, rainzm)
- init (0e138d9, rainzm)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm
28 commits to ocadm - v3.3.0 since this release.
Addon (1)
Others (27)
- ocadm create cluster, 延时等待容错 (32691463, Zhang Dongliang)
- 高可用部署主备选取应将kube-apiserver是否工作考虑进去 (dd775ca1, Zhang Dongliang)
- fix longhron template (6d283629, wanyaoqi)
- 修复 keepalived master state bug (3d452ac2, Zhang Dongliang)
- longhorn deploy misc fix (53cbebc6, wanyaoqi)
- update vendor for release/3.3 (ec96e953, Zexi Li)
- update vendor for 3.3 (bd902c2c, Zhang Dongliang)
- fix create region zone where upgrade from v2 (b581b3d1, wanyaoqi)
- update vendor for 3.3 (ec2d04c2, Zhang Dongliang)
- ocadm 接入 keepalived,支持高可用 (08d74c0d, Zhang Dongliang)
- update DefaultCalicoVersion to 3.12.1 (f82dd553, Zhang Dongliang)
- migrate data to longhorn (9dda3257, wanyaoqi)
- addon longhorn (737c7c3c, wanyaoqi)
- fetch itsm config from globalrc (0eabd9a8, wanyaoqi)
- sync vendor with operator (d6eb0263, Zexi Li)
- fix upgrade from v2 (442f19e9, wanyaoqi)
- add operator priority schedule class (0c22cef2, Zexi Li)
- 修改itsm镜像仓库信息,和项目信息对应 (eb07ee0b, zhaoxiangchun)
- set node override name (1a51fda4, wanyaoqi)
- set default control plane endpoint (a8f7a537, wanyaoqi)
- 多网卡环境下 calico 网卡选择策略 (4fbd02da, Zhang Dongliang)
- disable loki stack (f089a4c0, Zexi Li)
- 修改itsm的template (3f50a3c3, zhaoxiangchun)
- support upgrade (3ccb7ebd, wanyaoqi)
- join args (faa9e3fd, Zhang Dongliang)
- inherit print addon yaml opt (a4ea4d14, Zexi Li)
- custom csi dependent image (f0bfd564, wanyaoqi)
Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent
39 commits to sdnagent - v3.3.0 since this release.
Agent (18)
- ovn: no error log if the mapped bridge does not exist (eec5b583, Yousong Zhou)
- add eip man (24c73389, Yousong Zhou)
- parse/watch config from main (616a4e5e, Yousong Zhou)
- server: use sdn_enable_guest_man (d6452ef0, Yousong Zhou)
- server: move hostConfig watch to AgentServer (2bee5152, Yousong Zhou)
- server: shuffle lines to prepare for conditionals (d778a93d, Yousong Zhou)
- drop support for k8s_cluster_cidr (cf5b8bfb, Yousong Zhou)
- use hostman options (0856fcc2, Yousong Zhou)
- server: guest: do region api sync when needed (0b22e058, Yousong Zhou)
- utils: add g.NeedsSync method (e87a9e8c, Yousong Zhou)
- server: guest: guard against emtpy g.HostId (36f66033, Yousong Zhou)
- server: guest: clear up classic and vpc nics handling (b56d74dc, Yousong Zhou)
- server: guest: rename flow update/clear method names (e1188285, Yousong Zhou)
- add ovn distgw manager (5d16d37c, Yousong Zhou)
- utils: add mapped ip addr info (5c4a41dc, Yousong Zhou)
- flowman: log also bridge name (bc2f5ea9, Yousong Zhou)
- fix log level (4d985a41, Yousong Zhou)
- export guest.IsPending method (dc7f907c, Yousong Zhou)
Build (10)
- systemd: add keepalived reload command (1fd0c9d0, Yousong Zhou)
- eipgw: use 8 byte char for auth_pass (1084304e, Yousong Zhou)
- eipgw: let keepalived use detail log (7d8f62d6, Yousong Zhou)
- add ansible playbook README (9263c95e, Yousong Zhou)
- separate artifact and docker image build (c5cae93f, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: use openvswitch 2.10.4-0 as base (86e8bc15, Yousong Zhou)
- add example ansible playbook for ha deployment (124d8ea8, Yousong Zhou)
- Makefile: add mod target (a4ced7eb, Yousong Zhou)
- remove python2 dependency (0d0b7b4f, Yousong Zhou)
- build binaries parallelly (6239ea35, Yousong Zhou)
Hostconfig (3)
- add GetOverlayMTU() (1d2f96a2, Yousong Zhou)
- add option ovn_mapped_bridge (3e4fa324, Yousong Zhou)
- import auth info (02f5657d, Yousong Zhou)
- add wanyaoqi (89aacb76, Yousong Zhou)
Others (1)
- go.mod: vendoring onecloud v0.0.0-20200603092502-73bcfb4bb731 (a6dfd5bc, Yousong Zhou)
Ovn (1)
- use yunion.io/x/onecloud/pkg/vpcagent/ovn/mac (8c2d6cdf, Yousong Zhou)
Utils (2)
- add Empty (f3e1069a, Yousong Zhou)
- guest: reset VpcNICs on LoadDesc (44598a7b, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (3)
- use tip of onecloud release 3.2 (3cef7d30, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/onecloud (dd77171e, Yousong Zhou)
- go mod vendor (6af0f566, Yousong Zhou)