- 仅RDS实例状态为 运行中(running) 时才可进行此操作
- 仅预付费RDS实例支持此操作
# 续费1个月
climc dbinstance-renew f39bc936-32dd-4151-8ca0-09834318b482 1M
| Field | Value |
| account | qx-aliyun |
| account_id | f88fb1c0-73d4-4c56-8315-20f7dfba3447 |
| auto_renew | false |
| billing_cycle | 1M |
| billing_type | prepaid |
| brand | Aliyun |
| can_delete | true |
| can_update | true |
| category | high_availability |
| cloud_env | public |
| cloudregion | Aliyun 华北2(北京) |
| cloudregion_id | b7f8f44e-4fae-42b7-87cd-cb21f47da032 |
| created_at | 2021-06-23T07:59:26.000000Z |
| deleted | false |
| deleted_at | 2021-06-23T08:20:12.000000Z |
| disable_delete | false |
| disk_size_gb | 5 |
| domain_id | default |
| engine | MySQL |
| engine_version | 5.5 |
| environment | InternationalCloud |
| external_id | rm-2zedo92hey3s4suq6 |
| freezed | false |
| id | f39bc936-32dd-4151-8ca0-09834318b482 |
| imported_at | 2021-06-23T07:59:26.000000Z |
| instance_type | rds.mysql.t1.small |
| internal_connection_str | rm-2zedo92hey3s4suq6.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com |
| iops | 0 |
| is_emulated | false |
| is_system | false |
| maintain_time | 18:00Z-22:00Z |
| manager | qx-aliyun |
| manager_domain | Default |
| manager_domain_id | default |
| manager_id | 5af29c01-3f83-4a52-875c-1336e559b0f5 |
| manager_project | qx-aliyun |
| manager_project_id | dccd3be610c342e9812e64258ca12769 |
| metadata.generate_name | test-aliyun |
| metadata.sys:project | system |
| name | test-aliyun |
| pending_deleted | false |
| pending_deleted_at | 2021-06-23T08:20:12.000000Z |
| port | 3306 |
| project | system |
| project_domain | Default |
| project_src | local |
| provider | Aliyun |
| region | Aliyun 华北2(北京) |
| region_ext_id | cn-beijing |
| region_external_id | Aliyun/cn-beijing |
| region_id | b7f8f44e-4fae-42b7-87cd-cb21f47da032 |
| source | local |
| status | renewing |
| storage_type | local_ssd |
| tenant | system |
| tenant_id | a9a365125abf43c580ba98e5640b5c51 |
| update_version | 13 |
| updated_at | 2021-06-24T02:35:08.000000Z |
| vcpu_count | 1 |
| vmem_size_mb | 1024 |
| vpc | vpc-h |
| vpc_ext_id | vpc-2zewan71fq5dxmy1ozq0k |
| vpc_id | c3652c98-ebc6-4c71-85a0-5eccc8583104 |
| zone1 | fd3c013e-40b5-46ca-8fff-3b8c872cd3a8 |
| zone1_name | 阿里云 华北 2 可用区 H |
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最后修改 24.06.2021: add: more docs for rds (485f438)