发布时间 2021-06-28 15:30:39
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
50 commits to cloudpods - v3.7.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (31)
- do not resize LVM paritition and skip and return success (2d1884da54, Qiu Jian)
- support windows 2003 (a481666baa, Qiu Jian)
- anisbleserver: support complex yaml config in ansibleplaybook_instance (e7dc0213f6, rainzm)
- baremetal: remove bundle libs build (3258a1c262, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: close ssh test client (30d4b3b7cd, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: record uefi info (e76592de73, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: nvme allocable (382962fd0e, Zexi Li)
- cloudid: avoid duplicate create saml provider (87c1c0e290, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: huawei group role attach and detach (cf7f5f6805, Qu Xuan)
- host: update rbd storage capacity (8f4ae62aa4, Qu Xuan)
- host: get ceph used capacity (2d791dd542, Qu Xuan)
- hostman: show server status changed reason (3c844caa4b, Qu Xuan)
- monitor: exit monitor engine in time when happen err (894d12f903, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix monitor overview (8c51294fe7, zhaoxiangchun)
- notify: clean verifiedNote when marking verified (66ad8ace31, rainzm)
- notify: distinct field of receivers (8304b37773, rainzm)
- region: baremetal server change ip address reuse (55011704c0, Zexi Li)
- region: show project mapping managers info (ad5d667587, Qu Xuan)
- region: ignore qcloud bw pkg error (f36688d4b5, Qu Xuan)
- region: add status resource statistic (638d01485e, Qu Xuan)
- region: qcloud bandwidth pkg (1de62d60ed, Qu Xuan)
- region: add project filter for cloudprovider (b7c3e53731, Qu Xuan)
- region: clean schedule cache when host add or delete netif (5054e618cb, Zexi Li)
- region: support cloudprovider bind project mapping (9c41deb42c, Qu Xuan)
- region: manager distinct field (9e5408856f, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate disk status when create snapshot (9f50a53945, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid storage update not work (d11fcc7945, Qu Xuan)
- region: skip disabled project mapping (92b0d323f1, Qu Xuan)
- region: ignore qcloud vm start error (8679dbee27, Qu Xuan)
- region: skip server migrate quota check (f13c01d20f, Qu Xuan)
- region,scheduler: baremetal reuse ip (4087fa4593, Zexi Li)
Features (15)
- add interface INetworkNicCountGetter (c317f05b78, rainzm)
- apigateway: support export dict keys (ebe101d9ab, Qu Xuan)
- baremetal: support management of none BMC host (160a6e4dbb, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: add UEFI related util (0f74c9ba0a, Zexi Li)
- build: change file repo version in Dockerfile.ansibleserver (02252842e7, rainzm)
- climc: update meter dimension climc (4dc9ef631f, zhaoxiangchun)
- devtool: add some tags (21c33d4844, rainzm)
- esxi: reduce the number of requests and the amount of data transferred (d791cba145, rainzm)
- esxi: disable sync cloudimage from image cache (882d885aa4, rainzm)
- host: support netplan configuration (e1e6a72b4f, Zexi Li)
- mcclient: add bills dimension climc (910372ea0c, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add jenkins metric desc (0f55252c5b, zhaoxiangchun)
- notify: filter all recipients in this domain and recipients who have joined projects in this domain (c1d792dc8a, rainzm)
- region: add ProhibitRefreshingCloudImage for options (7cf931cc16, rainzm)
- scheduler: optimize the speed of network predicate (5741782cca, rainzm)
Others (3)
- utomated cherry pick of #11428: feat(monitor) 3.7 add monitor resource overview (ae085eace6, zhaoxiangchun)
- feat(monitor) 3.7 add monitor resource overview (629a3c55fd, zhaoxiangchun)
- add module billing exchange rate (fe622c89d3, bistuzx@163.com)
Webconsole (1)
- wait zombies (bcc8f0b581, Yousong Zhou)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
4 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.7.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (3)
- update process.total name (775fc8a0, zhaoxiangchun)
- update system commonalert param (161458b1, zhaoxiangchun)
- glance: s3 endpoint should use domain resolve (67d922e8, Zexi Li)
Features (1)
- add process common alert policy (14cf7acf, zhaoxiangchun)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
38 commits to dashboard - v3.7.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (8)
- rds details (6abdda771, Qu Xuan)
- Notify: notice refresh (e08c7db33, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- SearchBox: search mutiple error (2bdcda51a, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- SearchInput: update search input placehoder i18n (707890482, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- TagFilter: update tag filter (b6902a3f2, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- TagSelect: add max-width (b8281af05, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- ThirdProcess: comment show empty (feb8b2912, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- i18n: add ecloud i18n (c38c0bc44, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
Features (6)
- add external_id support (73bdfcf36, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (46bc70d4e, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (01740085f, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- ProjectMapping: update sync policy support bind subscription (e3b6ac7ae, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- ProjectMapping: sync policysupport bind subscription (4d91523ee, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- TagFilter: 标签增加优化,支持选择同一个key不同的value (951663ef2, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
Others (24)
- monitor diskip chart fix (51e4627a1, tb365)
- commonalerts update fix (c9a50ddf2, tb365)
- agent_diskio add selectFunction (24d977b19, tb365)
- agent_diskio add selectFunction (6125a1133, tb365)
- vminstance detail monitor page update (16258ba9e, tb365)
- monitor ring chart event fix (415f7c4d2, tb365)
- update metric alert database fix (13d5b9348, tb365)
- lbacl source ip desc fix (5797ee1d8, tb365)
- lb style update (45c48da07, tb365)
- vminstall basic info add agent install status (cd419f64c, tb365)
- lbcert status icon fix (8804f21df, tb365)
- 修改验证 (811a882a1, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor overview add resource summary (ce6f67930, tb365)
- 权限-扩展按钮权限验证 (4cced1fc0, GuoLiBin6)
- 多币种3.7 (1d63f347a, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改云账号-azure/aws-billing_scpte未选择时默认为managed (7cfd2d2d6, GuoLiBin6)
- 默认改为all (1586c0f32, GuoLiBin6)
- 云账号-更新账单文件-azure添加账单分析范围 (0610058d4, GuoLiBin6)
- 修复云账号详情页启用禁用 (711792494, GuoLiBin6)
- install agent pe help link fix (dcddb75c5, tb365)
- contact page update (41be89378, tb365)
- 宿主机.云账号添加 删除 启用 禁用后同步刷新云资源信息 (63a20e8f7, GuoLiBin6)
- 拆分导出的列表项 (85829400e, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改宿主机及物理机导出列 (784577bf9, GuoLiBin6)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm
1 commits to ocadm - v3.7.4 since this release.
Features (1)
- calico,k8s,ovn: 部置calico-node时调整默认配置提升ovn隧道流量的性能 (3aca095b, Zhang Dongliang)
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最后修改 01.01.0001