Ocboot Installation

Deploy Cloudpods CMP multi-cloud management version quickly in an All in One way using the ocboot deployment tool


Environment Preparation

Machine Configuration Requirements

  • Operating system: Different distribution versions are supported according to different CPU architectures. Currently, the supported distribution situations are as follows:
  • The operating system needs to be a clean version. Because the deployment tool will build a kubernetes cluster of the specified version from the beginning, ensure that kubernetes, docker, and other container management tools are not installed on the system, otherwise there will be conflicts and installation abnormalities.
  • Minimum configuration requirements: CPU 4 cores, memory 8GiB, storage 100GiB
  • The storage path used by virtual machines and services is all under /opt directory, so it is recommended to set a separate mount point for the /opt directory in an ideal environment
    • For example, partition /dev/sdb1 separately to make ext4 and then mount it to the /opt directory through /etc/fstab.

Install ansible and git

First, you need to install ansible and git, and the minimum version of ansible is 2.9.27, among which 2.11.12 is tested more.

# Install ansible and git locally
$ yum install -y epel-release git python3-pip
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade ansible

# Install ansible and git locally
$ yum install -y git python3-pip
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade ansible

If prompted with locale related errors, please execute the following command first:

if ! grep -q '^en_US.UTF-8' /etc/locale.gen; then
    echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' >> /etc/locale.gen
    echo 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"' >> /etc/default/locale
    source /etc/default/locale
# Install ansible and git locally
$ apt install -y git python3-pip
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade ansible
```Note: In a `debian 11` environment, if the boot option `systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0` is not found in `/proc/cmdline`, ocboot will automatically configure the corresponding `GRUB` option, rebuild the boot parameters, and restart the operating system so that `k8s` can start up normally.

# Install ansible locally
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade ansible

Install Cloudpods

The deployment tool is located at https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot. Clone this tool with git clone and run the run.py script to deploy the service. The installation steps are as follows:

# Download the ocboot tool to the local machine
$ git clone -b release/3.10 https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot && cd ./ocboot

Execute run.py to deploy the service. <host_ip> is the IP address of the deployment node, and is optional. If not specified, the default route is used to deploy the service. If the node has multiple network cards, <host_ip> can be specified to choose the corresponding network card to listen for services.

# Direct deployment will pull the container image from registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
$ ./run.py cmp <host_ip>

# If you encounter slow package downloads during pip installation, you can use the -m parameter to specify the pip source
# For example, use: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ as the source below
$ ./run.py -m https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ cmp <host_ip> 

For some network environments, access to registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com is slow or unavailable. Starting from version v3.9.5, you can specify the image source docker.io to install. The command is as follows:

IMAGE_REPOSITORY=docker.io/yunion ./run.py cmp <host_ip>

This method automatically generates a configuration file named config-allinone-current.yaml in the current directory and executes the deployment based on the parameters in the configuration file.

Deployment Complete

# After deployment, the following output indicates success
# Open in the browser, where ip is the <host_ip> set previously
# Login to the front-end page with admin/admin@123
Initialized successfully!
Web page:
User: admin
Password: admin@123

Then use a browser to access Enter admin for the username and admin@123 for the password to enter the Cloudpods interface.

Login page

Getting Started with Cloudpods

Import public clouds or other private cloud platform resources

Cloudpods multi-cloud management platform can unify and manage resources from other cloud platforms.

In the Multi-Cloud Management menu, select Cloud Account and create a new one. Fill in the authentication information of the corresponding cloud platform according to your needs. After configuring the cloud account, the Cloudpods service will sync the corresponding cloud platform resources, which can be viewed in the front-end after synchronization is complete.

Multi-Cloud Management


1. How to reinstall?

  1. Execute kubeadm reset -f to delete the kubernetes cluster
  2. Rerun the ocboot script

2. Other problems?

Other issues are welcome to be submitted on the Cloudpods Github issues page: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods/issues. We will reply as soon as possible.