
Release time: 2021-08-27 13:13:35


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator

43 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.

Apigateway (2)

Bug Fixes (19)

Features (15)

Others (6)

Vendor (1)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator

1 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.

Features (1)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard

516 commits to dashboard - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (126)

Bugfix (15)

Code Refactoring (1)

Feature (21)

Features (106)

Fit (1)

Optimized (1)

Others (245)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps

25 commits to kubecomps - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (12)

Features (13)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/notify-plugins

5 commits to notify-plugins - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (3)

Features (2)

  • adds domain attributes for notify config (77e72b7, rainzm)
  • be compatible with notify’s change to support international mobile (caaa6ed, rainzm)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm

13 commits to ocadm - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (7)

Features (4)

  • build: 增加arm 下编译 ocadm deb 的步骤(make deb); 统一跨平台metrics-server 的 tag 名称;升级 k8s-sidecar 到 0.1.275 (d672ebef, Zhang Dongliang)
  • calico,k8s,ovn: 部置calico-node时调整默认配置提升ovn隧道流量的性能 (c4a14ec8, Zhang Dongliang)
  • keepalived,ha: 新增 keepalived_interface 变量支持,以便在安装高可用多网卡情况下支持非默认网卡绑定 vip (866ef392, Zhang Dongliang)
  • longhorn: support migrate to source pvc from longhorn pvc (2df20ecb, wanyaoqi)

Misc (1)

Others (1)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent

13 commits to sdnagent - v3.8.0 since this release.

Agent (1)

Bug Fixes (2)

Build (2)

Features (1)

Flowsource (1)

Others (3)

Ovn (1)

Utils (1)

Vendor (1)

it/481e176ea254c6ae07928c6d8da13c47f428109c), lvyangyang)

Bugfix (1)

Build (12)

Chore (1)

Climc (4)

Cloudproxy (18)

Code Refactoring (2)

Db (1)

Etcd (1)

Feature (9)

Features (198)

Fi (1)

Guest_deploy_task (1)

Guests (3)

Hostman (1)

Keystone (1)

Locales (4)

Mcclient (3)

Networks (1)

Optimized (1)

Others (61)

Procutils (4)

Refact (1)

Region (16)

Regions (1)

Treewide (1)

Util (1)

Validators (1)

Vpcagent (6)

Webconsole (1)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator

43 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.

Apigateway (2)

Bug Fixes (19)

Features (15)

Others (6)

Vendor (1)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator

1 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.8.0 since this release.

Features (1)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard

516 commits to dashboard - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (126)

Bugfix (15)

Code Refactoring (1)

Feature (21)

Features (106)

Fit (1)

Optimized (1)

Others (245)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps

25 commits to kubecomps - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (12)

Features (13)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/notify-plugins

5 commits to notify-plugins - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (3)

Features (2)

  • adds domain attributes for notify config (77e72b7, rainzm)
  • be compatible with notify’s change to support international mobile (caaa6ed, rainzm)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm

13 commits to ocadm - v3.8.0 since this release.

Bug Fixes (7)

Features (4)

  • build: 增加arm 下编译 ocadm deb 的步骤(make deb); 统一跨平台metrics-server 的 tag 名称;升级 k8s-sidecar 到 0.1.275 (d672ebef, Zhang Dongliang)
  • calico,k8s,ovn: 部置calico-node时调整默认配置提升ovn隧道流量的性能 (c4a14ec8, Zhang Dongliang)
  • keepalived,ha: 新增 keepalived_interface 变量支持,以便在安装高可用多网卡情况下支持非默认网卡绑定 vip (866ef392, Zhang Dongliang)
  • longhorn: support migrate to source pvc from longhorn pvc (2df20ecb, wanyaoqi)

Misc (1)

Others (1)


Repo: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent

13 commits to sdnagent - v3.8.0 since this release.

Agent (1)

Bug Fixes (2)

Build (2)

Features (1)

Flowsource (1)

Others (3)

Ovn (1)

Utils (1)

Vendor (1)
